Hey, have you heard about…Viagra Boys

(Photo Credit: Renan Peron)

It seems like Sunday evening is becoming the new time for discovery as of late. Just the other week, a late night search unearthed the incredible BODEGA (who we were lucky enough to catch live mere days later). Cut to last night and it’s beats before bed – Dirty grooves out of Stockholm from Viagra Boys.

Sports’seemingly their third release behind ‘Call Of The Wild‘ (2017) and ‘Consistency Of Energy‘ (2015) – is a gnarly little genre-hopping three-track. Its title track is catchy as fuck, kicking off on a sludgy groove whilst a deadpan vocal reads out a laundry list of Yankee tropes, eventually verging into the chaotic as screams of its title and all the preceding American ball games ring out! It’s piss-funny, acerbic and – quite frankly – right up our street.

Jungle Man struts around on its hind legs, the bass tone right out of ‘Valley Girl’ and with the whole thing sounding like an easier to digest Pissed Jeans (which is not a slight on either…) Post-punk brass blasts make this a keeper, for sure. ‘Beijing Taxion the other hand slows things down somewhat, sounding a touch like Bowie in its instrumental, verging into Protomartyr territory on the vocal.

Look – what we’re trying to say is, it’s all good. Viagra Boys are our new favourites, ok? Check out title track ‘Sports’ below:

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