Live Review: Hot Snakes at Deaf Institute in Manchester 4 December 2019

The last time Hot Snakes were in Manchester it was cold. The quartet out of San Diego, California returned this month and once again, it was cold. They sure do know how to pick the season(s). Having caught them both times though, I’m starting to think that maybe it’s best they don’t play in the middle of summer, given everyone on stage looked sweltering half way through and as such, the audience would no doubt be a puddle in response.

On Wednesday evening in early December, they did however bring the sun-soaked vibes with them via bottles of Modelo Especial on stage. Introductions were brief and in true Hot Snakes fashion, they’re off like a bloody big rocket with ‘If Credit’s What Matters I’ll Take Credit‘, the floor soon bouncing and the walls trembling. With fucking about not on the agenda, they’d dart immediately into ‘Automatic Midnight‘ as guitarist John Reis riffs like mad. Later his tongue is darting out of his mouth and he’s throwing out leg kicks left and right, vibing off the rowdy response of the crowd.

Spectacles go up and a towelling down is administered by the bassist just two songs in, an unfamiliar face who looks very much like a character from Inherent Vice.WHERE’S GAR WOOD?” Comes the inevitable from a punter within the packed out room, the mustachioed grinning bassist notable by his absence. We’re told this is Tommy on bass, filling in for Gar as he takes care of some personal matters back home. “We love Gar Wood!” Says Reis with a big smile. Tommy shows his worth on the next song, the rumble completely ear-piercing on ‘I Hate The Kids‘. On the raging ‘XOX’, he thumps the bass hard and stares out into the room.

The many sounds of Hot Snakes…” Guitarist Rick Froberg jokes with Tommy as the pair chuckle, sharing guttural noises, interacting like a couple of bezzie mates getting pissed at home. Later on the pair talk to each other in-between songs, chatting about plugs – one has them in and can’t hear, the other doesn’t wear them but can hear fine. Ahead of new single ‘Checkmate‘, Reis jokingly yells at the fans “Shut up – we’re trying to think up here!” The new Sub Pop single is an absolutely solid addition to their already stonking back catalogue and there’s already pockets of people howling back the chorus.

Keeping it reasonably recent, from 2018 album ‘Jericho Sirens‘, ‘Why Don’t it Sink In?‘ and ‘Six Wave Hold-Down‘ hit back to back, the former highlighting the graft being put in as everyone on stage plays at max speed, the latter greeted with whoops on its arrival, getting heads going and fists raised.

Plenty for All‘ and its swell mega-riff has the crowd all worked up prior to a brief departure, as the band all wipe brows and venture off stage to shouts from the crowd for “More!” After a quick breather, they return to much applause, Reis acknowledging the other big gig happening a mile away. “I told you – you should’ve gone to Idles

Braintrust‘ provides a deafening and raging return and kicks off a triple punch encore. Immediately following the final note, Reis is shaking hands with the front row, sporting as big a smile on his face as those at the front of stage. I love this about Hot Snakes – Four blokes who’ve been around the block a few times who get on stage with little to no dicking about, their hour with us for the most part just constant face-melting from the off, like having a hair dryer put on full whack and aimed directly at your face. Don’t change, Hot Snakes.

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