a/s/l: The Web of Lies

Remember the days of the old schoolyard? Remember when Myspace was a thing? Remember those time-wasting, laborious quizzes that everyone used to love so much? Birthday Cake For Breakfast is bringing them back! 

Every couple of weeks, an unsuspecting band will be subject to the same old questions about dead bodies, Hitler, crying and crushes.  

This Week: In the run up to the release of their debut album ‘Nude With Demon‘ (on Wrong Speed Records), The Web of Lies answer a series of inane questions!

Tim Bishop (Harmonica): 50 , Male, Anglesey.
Ed Stevens (Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards) : 34, male, Glasgow.

Have you ever seen a dead body?
Tim: Too many.
Ed: Too many.

Who is your favourite Simpsons character?
Tim: I don’t watch American shite.
Ed: Mr Burns.

What T-Shirt are you wearing?
Tim: I’m wearing a shirt, I’m not a child.
Ed: A Simon Joyner t shirt.

What did your last text message say?
Tim: It’s one of those scam Royal Mail texts I think.
Ed: A meme someone sent me, it’s rude.

What’s the last song you listened to?
Tim: Always been a liar – The Thumbs.
Ed: Messesque Sweet Spot.

How did you meet the people in your band?
Tim: I met Ed at the yellow pub in Bangor in 2006. I haven’t met the rest of the band.
Ed: Gigs, mostly.

What’s the first record you bought?
Ed: Can’t remember.
Tim: Gary glitter oof.

What was your favourite VHS growing up?
Tim: Didn’t have a TV growing up.
Ed: Naked Gun, Hot Shots part Deux, police academy, Bottom Live.

When was the last time you cried?
Tim: Two days ago watching a pixar.
Ed: Watching a YouTube about Owen Hart.

Have you ever kissed someone & regretted it?
Tim: No.
Ed: Nah.

Best Physical Feature?
Tim: Fuck off.
Ed: Same.

Worst physical feature?
Tim: Fuck off.
Ed: Same.

Reasonably ok/not bad feature that you’re not fussed about?
Tim: Fuck off.
Ed: Same.

Do you have any pets?
Tim: I have two dogs, border collies: Marc and Paul.
Ed: No.

Ever picked up any injuries on tour?
Tim: Never been on tour! I have a fucking job thank you very much!
Ed: Yes, a few. I have a scar on my face from walking into a door at my sisters house after a gig in Bangor.

What did you do for your last birthday?
Tim: Went for a walk.
Ed: Honestly can’t remember.

Name something you CANNOT wait for?
Tim: My operation.
Ed: To see my son when I get home from work.

Do you have a crush on someone?
Tim: Come on grow up man.
Ed: Grow up.

What’s the shittest experience you’ve had as a musician?
Tim: Stepped on dog shit onstage in Sea Croft.
Ed: Most of them.

If you could go back in time, how far would you go?
Tim: Dinosaurs.
Ed: Same, obviously dinosaurs.

How do you want to die?
Tim: Quietly, no pain.
Ed: Same.

What’s your favourite thing about pizza?
Tim: It’s a pizza.
Ed: The bread probably.

What are you craving right now?
Tim: Ciggies.
Ed: Sleep.

Have you ever been on a horse?
Tim: No come on now.
Ed: No.

What did you dream about last night?
Tim: I don’t dream.
Ed: Squashing myself dead.

If you could go back in time and kill the baby Hitler, would you?
Tim: How old are you?!
Ed: Yea, would love to kill a baby, no problem u fucking creep.

Do you like Chinese food?
Tim: Yes.
Ed: I like most food regardless of origin.

Have you ever been on TV?
Tim: Yes.
Ed: No.

Ever meet someone famous?
Tim: Ian Rush.
Ed: Ian Rush.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Tim: Fuck off.
Ed: Never growing up, lol XD

Nude With Demon is out February 25th 2022 via Wrong Speed Records! Grab a copy or two here!

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