Hey, have you heard about…Middleman

Having already received airplay on the BBC, via Steve Lamacq’sNew Music Fix‘ show, it feels like we’re already on the backfoot talking up Middleman. But we heard about them before their first single – honest!

Taking inspiration from the likes of WIRE and Minutemen, scrappiness ensues on their debut single ‘Entropy‘, with a cover to match its raging nostalgic punk sound. There’s shades too of their contemporaries ripping it up down south, plus those who came before like Chubby and the Gang.

The trio, made up of Noah Alves (vocals, guitar), Harper Maury (bass) and Lily Pym (drums), have their debut EP ‘Cut Out The Middleman‘ coming out on cassette soon via Brainrotter Records out of Dagenham. Recorded by Ben Spence at Fuzzbrain Studios in Walthamstow, the record was mixed and mastered by man on the scene Jonah Falco (of Fucked Up fame). Word has it Falco ran it through the same tape machine Nirvana used for ‘Bleach‘!

Of its title, vocalist Alves got the line “I live for the entropy” from a ‘Dope Rider‘ comic and was torn between where it would work best – a song lyric or as a tattoo. It definitely works for the song lyric – maybe there’s still time for that tattoo, eh Noah?

Elsewhere, you can find a live recording of Turn Away’ live from Strongroom Brewery in March of this year (which wouldn’t sound out of place on ‘Pink Flag’). Chances are you’ll be hearing more from Middleman, keep an ear out!

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