What’s On Michael Portillo’s iPod – End of Year: Sugar Horse

Here at Birthday Cake For Breakfast, we like to get to the heart of what an artist is all about. We feel the music they listen to is just as important as the music they make.

In the struggling year of our lord 2022, we’ve had all sorts talk to us about inspirations, including the likes of WITCH FEVERThe Lounge SocietyWOOZE and Group Listening!

With the year coming to a close, we’ve decided to once again turn it on its head a bit and ask some of our favourite artists what releases they’ve been raving about this year. With that in mind, off the back of releasing a new star-studded EP this year (‘Waterloo Teeth‘, featuring appearances from members of IDLES and Oceansize), we’re chuffed to have Ashley Tubb of Sugar Horse talk us through his favourite releases from the past 12 months.

Pianos Become The Teeth’s album Drift

I hadn’t really listened to this band since like 2013, when they were releasing Post-Rock/Screamo stuff that was very much of its time. Drift is something really different though. Like a lovely blend of Krautrock, REM and late era Smiths. It’s proper inventive and doesn’t really sound like anyone else. The last tune Pair in particular is pure “lie on the floor in the foetal position” beautiful.

Arca’s Kick Compilation

I guess this all technically came out at the end of last year, but Arca just comp’d all their Kick material together and released it as a big, beautiful mass. Each Kick record (there are five) is completely different, darting between dancehall, ambient, solo keys and (my particular favourite) terrifyingly batshit electronica. Arca is a proper genius, so get your thumb out of your arse and stick their stuff on at battle volume.

Cloakroom’s album Dissolution Wave

Properly great heavy shoegaze record, that’s heavy in a totally non-metal way. There aren’t really riffs as such. Their sound is just weighty as hell, with an emphasis on songwriting rather than just pure mood. In the middle of this wall of Big Muff and low end frequencies, sits a song called Doubts that will guaranteed make me cry every time I hear it. It’s not just one of the best songs of the year, it’s probably one of my favourite songs ever committed to tape…well probably Pro Tools… but that doesn’t have the same “IM WRITING ABOUT MUSIC AND AM VERY CLEVER” ring to it.

Ashenspire’s album Hostile Architecture

This is most definitely the best metal record of the year and anyone who disagrees probably likes shite tech metal bollox. People seem to be comparing it to Black Metal, which I can’t really see to be honest. Sounds more like Black Country New Road trying to play grindcore with the fella from Propagandhi on vocals. It’s an incredible record, with some pretty poignant lyrics.

Big Thief’s album Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You

Just a (very large admittedly) collection of absolutely stunning country-tinged, wonky indie rock tunes. When it initially came out my heart sunk a little, just ‘cause of the sheer fucking length of the thing. How is anyone supposed to have time to proper dive into this? Anyway, after some internalised moaning I eventually sat down with it and the thing is completely perfect. I don’t know how they release so much material at this unbelievably high quality. It’s disrespectful to us normal folk really. Quit hogging the talent.

Waterloo Teeth‘ is out now via Small Pond! Grab your sen a copy of it right here!

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