Listening Post – May 2023

This time last month we were yucking it up about April Fools’ Day, but the real joke here is that April’s already bloody over and we’re diving headfirst into May!

As ever though, don’t fret – the monthly Birthday Cake For Breakfast playlist returns and for all you Art Garfunkel fans, we have you covered! There’s heaps of good stuff in the mix too, so get yourself stuck in and give it a like and follow or print it out and stick it on your wall. Go nuts!

Mallrat – To You
(Butterfly Blue)

Heart-swelling ethereal pop here from Aussie artist Grace Shaw, a.k.a. Mallrat. From debut album ‘Butterfly Blue‘ released last year, ‘To You‘ is perfect for the weather we’ll hopefully be having as we move into spring (any day now…)

Cloud Control – Gold Canary
(Bliss Release)

Very much what we at Birthday Cake For Breakfast HQ would call ‘a vibe‘, there’s real hypnotic loveliness on offer from Cloud Control’sGold Canary‘. Hailing from the picturesque sounding Blue Mountains, just outside of Sydney, Australia, the trio really let loose here, with a proper thump underpinning some real blissful wonkiness.

Pardoner – Are You Free Tonight?
(Peace Loving People)

Featuring the best halftime switch-up this side of Parquet CourtsAlmost Had to Start a Fight / In and Out of Patience‘, the new single from San Francisco outfit Pardoner is certainly a game of two halves (jumpers for goalposts etc). It’s rage central when it makes the shift to breakneck punk and reader, we are here for it.

George Marigold

Minor Conflict – Living Statue
(Bright Lights, Dead City)

Love this from Bristolian trio Minor Conflict, their name giving off the vibe of an 80s hardcore band rather than what they’ve actually got in their locker. Calling to mind the like of Pozi and Squid with the captivating ‘Living Statue‘ (from their forthcoming debut EP, out in June on PRAH Recordings), majestic harp runs alongside a belting rhythm section for a single that really keeps you on your toes.

Pissed Jeans – No Convenient Apocalypse

There was me thinking we weren’t going to hear from Pissed Jeans again! Six years on from the release of last album ‘Why Love Now‘, the Pennsylvania formed foursome return with a standalone single, the crushingly heavy ‘No Convenient Apocalypse‘. Vocalist Matt Korvette sounds even more unhinged all these years on, growling and roaring through a heavy dose of bad news. I said UGHH!

Terry – Golden Head
(Call Me Terry)

Melbourne quartet Terry know just how to tick all the right boxes for us. Whilst elsewhere on their records they might push the playfulness or rage ahead in synth-punk fashion, they can really pen a number that hits you in the feels too. The strings and heavenly vocals on ‘Golden Head‘ compliment their wonk-pop stylings – truly a golden moment on their latest album.

Half of the band (Al Montfort and Zephyr Pavey) recently answered a series of unrelated questions for us – read that here!

Stuck – The Punisher
(Freak Frequency)

Off the back of debut LP ‘Change Is Bad‘ and the follow up ‘Content That Makes You Feel Good‘ EP released in 2021, Chicago lot Stuck let the good times roll with the release of their forthcoming new album ‘Freak Frequency‘. ‘The Punisher‘ is a razor sharp post-punk nugget from a quartet that never miss.

Cassels – About Not Writing

From a split single out now with Beige Palace (out via tastemakers Human Worth and God Unknown Records), Chipping Norton formed sibling duo Cassels crack on with the rawness last heard on 2022 album ‘A Gut Feeling‘, adding a dramatic flair to the huge sounding ‘About Not Writing‘. A proper invigorating racket when the brothers push the tempo right up.


Adi Oasis – FourSixty
(Lotus Glow)

Sun-soaked summer vibes aplenty on the super soulful ‘FourSixty‘ from French-Caribbean singer and bassist (and smooth operator) Adi Oasis, offering some momentary brightness as I write this from rainy Manchester… This is proper silky stuff, the funkiness complimented by the guest vocals of London-based singer and producer Aaron Taylor.

This Is The Kit – Inside Outside
(Careful Of Your Keepers)

Having spent the first few months of the year locked onto the new album from Rozi Plain, we’re ready to transition into spring and the work of her mate Kate Stables, a.k.a. This Is The Kit. Produced by Gruff Rhys, new album ‘Careful Of Your Keepers‘ is on the way this June. From it, Stables’ vocals really shine on lead single ‘Inside Outside‘, a cucumber cool number that chucks in a Simpsons reference for good measure.

Art Garfunkel – Waters Of March

Mildly obsessed with this following a viewing of the terrific ‘The Worst Person In The World‘. Originally composed by Brazilian artist Antônio Carlos Jobim in the 70s, it’s the Garfunkel version that’s had us spellbound, one you can file in the same category as the likes of Baz Luhrmann’sEverybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen)‘ in terms of stopping you in your tracks.

Aldous Harding – Lawn
(Warm Chris)

Last month, we had the absolute pleasure of being in the same room as the incredible Aldous Harding, the New Zealander performing at the Albert Hall, one of the finest live music venues in Manchester. A performance that’s stuck with us since, it’s led to many a repeated listen of her latest album ‘Warm Chris‘ and we can’t get enough of the super swell ‘Lawn‘, a track that’s got some real pep to it, as Aldous sings in such a light, hypnotic fashion.

Sn​õ​õ​per – Pod
(Super Sn​õ​õ​per)

Ever since discovering the energising, post-punk delights of ‘Running‘ in 2020, we’ve been keeping a close eye on Tennessee punks Snõ​õ​per. The latest news is that they’re freshly signed to Third Man Records (who’ve recently snapped up Island Of Love too) and have a debut album on the way, with lead single ‘Pod‘ absolutely revving our engines – frantic bubblegum punk that gets right under your skin.

Benefits – Warhorse

Pricking up the ears of many with the release of their debut album ‘Nails‘ (including named mega-fan Pete Doherty), Teesside outfit Benefits set out their stall back in February with the release of lead single ‘Warhorse‘. Like a more aggy Sleaford Mods, the beats and spat out vocal attack are just as infectious here. Judging by the busy rooms up and down the country, we’d imagine you’ll be seeing a lot more of Benefits.

You can read our review of ‘Nailshere!

Jackie Lee Young

(Photo Credit: Jackie Lee Young)

Los Bitchos – Tequila

Fun-loving foursome Los Bitchos are renowned for their love of a party and for the release of their new EP ‘Pah!‘ (great title), they’ve had a crack at one of the biggest party tunes going – ‘Tequila‘! Keeping the Pee-Wee Herman spirit alive, the usually instrumental outfit blast through a revved up version of the classic, bringing their own garage-rock stylings into the mix for quite the musical cocktail.

Crack Cloud – Graph of Desire
(Crack Cloud)

Packing so much into a rapid 90 seconds, ‘Graph of Desire‘ has everything that got us first hooked on Canadian collective Crack Cloud – oddball vocals mingling with invigorating drums and a scrappy instrumental. Whilst I loved ‘PAIN OLYMPICS‘ and thought the last record had some choice moments, that first EP compilation is front to back all killer, no filler.

Joshua Idehen – Best Kind of Lost

British-born Nigerian artist Joshua Idehen goes full on sweetie-pie mode on ‘Best Kind of Lost‘, describing a perfect day in the company of his partner. Poetic loveliness on the minutiae of relationships over the top of a real bop of a beat, it deals in cigarettes and coffee stops to arguments and being off one’s tits.

Delivery – Poor-to-Middling Moneymaking
(Forever Giving Handshakes)

Ahead of a run of UK shows this month, Aussie lot Delivery release another new single from their forthcoming debut full length ‘Forever Giving Handshakes’. ‘Poor-to-Middling Moneymaking‘ is a garage-rock stomper that’s not too dissimilar to fellow countrymen Vintage Crop in its down the barrel punk attack.

KL​Ä​MP – Hate You
(Hate You)

Doom-scrolling through Instagram (I know), I recently stumbled upon a photo of an outfit called KL​Ä​MP, featuring heavy hitters past and present from IDLES, Pulled Apart By Horses, Tall Ships and Sex Swing. An impressive line-up to kick the arse of 2023, I’m sure you’ll agree. Delving into their back catalogue, I was knocked silly with the opener from their 2020 released EP ‘Hate You‘ – a real noisy rager with head-banging in mind. Recorded with Wayne Adams at Bear Bites Horse (naturally), by all accounts they’ve been back in the studio with him. Watch this space!

Shangri-lass – Father’s Daughter
(Over & Over)

With synth moodiness that calls to mind The Moonlandingz and an almost Debbie Harry-like vocal, the brilliantly named Shangri-lass really hits the ground running with this from her debut EP. The solo project of Sister Wives bassist Rose Love (again, another brilliant name), the Sheffield-based artist suggests the track “is a mess of ideas“, ranging from religious brainwashing to depression (both of which go hand in hand I’d imagine…)


Like what you see? Why not stick around and check out the other articles and interviews!
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Listening Post – April 2023

Yes, it’s the 1st of April, but don’t be fooled – it really is time for another Birthday Cake For Breakfast playlist! March is seemingly over, so it makes sense that we return with 20 big tunes – some old, some new – for you to get stuck into.

From The Shits to Melt-Banana, this is one for the heads who love a good band name – with music ranging from hard and heavy to soft and soulful.

Tell your mum and dad we’ve got a new playlist ready to go – get them to share it with all their old pals too!

Nabihah Iqbal – This World Couldn’t See Us

Putting most to shame with her work ethic, Londoner Nabihah Iqbal – a musician, producer, DJ and broadcaster – looks to follow up her 2017 debut album ‘Weighing of the Heart‘ with the release of ‘DREAMER‘. New single ‘This World Couldn’t See Us‘ is a thumping, 80s style moody post-punk affair that really captivates.

Melt-Banana – Uncontrollable Urge
(Return of 13 Hedgehogs – Mxbx Singles 2000-2009)

Following the announcement that DEVO will be playing at Green Man Festival this year (!), I’ve been on a bit of a DEVO kick this past month. It was a shock to discover a Soundgarden cover out there, but a welcome surprise to find legendary noise outfit Melt-Banana had gotten involved too. Unsurprisingly, the duo have made ‘Uncontrollable Urge‘ even more of a rager!

Anna Erhard – Guestroom

Cucumber-cool stuff from Berlin-based singer/songwriter Anna Erhard, the funky ‘Guestroom‘ taken from her 2022 album ‘Campsite‘. Love that not-arsed spoken-word style vocal, very reminiscent of that massive Wet Leg song that is on every BBC Three show doing the rounds these days.


(Photo Credit: Sasha Kulak)

Decisive Pink – Destiny
(Ticket To Fame)

Swiftly following up their debut single ‘Haffmilch Holiday‘, Decisive Pink (Angel Deradoorian and Kate NV) preview their forthcoming debut album further with ‘Destiny‘. More wonky art-pop on offer from a dynamite pairing, there’s a touch of Cate Le Bon to this quirky number. Love the spoken-word ritual instructions at half time!

She’s In Parties – Cherish

The only outfit on the list (or any of our lists for that matter) from Colchester, She’s In Parties combine influences from the likes of Slowdive and Cocteau Twins to create heart-swelling pop drenched in nostalgia. ‘Cherish‘ is a proper infectious bop that sounds like it was released about 40 years ago…

Nourished By Time – Quantum Suicide
(Erotic Probiotic 2)

Discovered via a Dry Cleaning remix, Nourished by Time is the solo project of Baltimore, Maryland artist Marcus Brown, a smooth operator no doubt. From the brilliantly titled forthcoming debut album ‘Erotic Probiotic 2‘ (a record mostly recorded in his parents’ basement), ‘Quantum Suicide‘ is a super soulful number.

The B-52’s – Song for a Future Generation

Pure pop wonkiness aplenty from The B-52’s on ‘Song for a Future Generation‘ from their third studio album, released in 1983. Straddling the line between their punk roots and later poppiness. Love those dating profile style soundbites – top insight on the ins and outs of each member…

Ulrika Spacek – No Design
(Compact Trauma)

Londoners Ulrika Spacek return from hibernation with their latest full length ‘Compact Trauma‘, their first release in just shy of five years. The woozy ‘No Design‘ is a dreamy bit of transcendence, the quintet taking the listener on a real psych trip across its 5+ minutes.


Cowboyy – Tennis
(Epic The Movie)

Shades of early Black Midi here from soon-to-be-massive Portsmouth quartet Cowboyy. A proper math-rock rager to kick things off, ‘Tennis‘ sets out their stall for the kids to pick up on the next big thing.

The Drin – Venom
(Today My Friend You Drunk the Venom)

From the delightfully titled ‘Today My Friend You Drunk the Venom‘, ‘Venom‘ gets more and more under your skin with every listen. Taken from the third album from mysterious outfit The Drin, it’s all about that driving rhythm on this one. All we know is there are six of them and they’re from Ohio, which is good enough intel for us.

LA Priest – It’s You
(Fase Luna)

There were a handful of records released during lockdown that had a particularly big impact on me during those forgotten months. LA Priest’sGENE‘ was one of them, released smack-bang in the middle of it all, so we’re chuffed up he’s got a new record on the way! Recorded in Mexico and the rainforests of Costa Rica, the new record is said to be inspired by their mythical histories and connections to the ocean, with it suggested that “Fase Luna offers a one-way ticket to another world.” All aboard!

Sweet Baboo – The Waitress
(The Wreckage)

From latest album ‘The Wreckage‘, released at the start of the year, ‘The Waitress‘ captures Sweet Baboo at his sweetest, that heavenly vocal from Stephen Black really engaging the listener. A real stop-you-in-your tracks affair.

Cory Hanson – Housefly
(Western Cum)

Fair play to Cory Hanson, that’s quite the album title… From his third full length as a solo artist, ‘Housefly‘ is such a delight, one part country ditty, one part ripper guitar banger. The WAND vocalist has got the chops for both, make no mistake.

Office Dog – Big Air

Following their debut single released at the tail end of 2022, New Zealand trio Office Dog absolutely slay on recent single ‘Big Air‘. With a beefy instrumental not too dissimilar to fellow trio Meat Wave, this is one you’ll want to play again and again. Massive fan. A full length is in the works, due for release in late 2023!


Elanor Moss – Catholic
(Cosmic EP)

Massive new one from Elanor Moss, bringing forth that sort of powerhouse vocal all the best Julia Jacklin songs have (with a bit of Christine McVie chucked in for good measure). From a new EP recorded in Brooklyn with frequent collaborator Oli Deakin, ‘Catholic‘ has the makings of a classic.

The Lunar Year – Don’t Kiss Strangers

Captured on a recent Instagram story from New Yorkers BODEGA, I was captivated by The Lunar Year via the stage presence of one Katie Hackett, swept up not long after by mega catchy fuzz-fest ‘Don’t Kiss Strangers‘. Very much a killer 90s alt-rock sound to it.

POZI – Pest Control
(Smiling Pools)

The latest single from LDN trio POZI’s forthcoming album ‘Smiling Pools‘, ‘Pest Control‘ is a total treat. With a driving rhythm section propelling it along, it’s easily the best thing they’ve done in a good while (which is saying something!). Hard to believe their debut album ‘PZ1‘ arrived in 2019, but we’ve been championing this lot ever since and can’t wait to see what they’ve got in store for their second full length.

Low Hummer – Connected

East Yorkshire lot Low Hummer pricked up our ears straight away with ‘Connected‘, calling to mind fellow Yorkshire folk Drahla. There’s a spaced-out, Stereolab-esque psych edge in there too. With a tour supporting Manic Street Preachers behind them, I’d think there’s big things to come from Low Hummer.

Miss Tiny – The Sound

A project originally called What It’s Like To Be A Bat (catchy), Miss Tiny brings together Dan Carey of Speedy Wunderground and Warmduscher’s Benjamin Romans-Hopcraft to form a powerhouse duo. Debut single ‘The Sound‘ has a hint of Blur at their moodiest, the pairing creating a proper claustrophobic but invigorating racket.

The Shits – Waiting
(You’re A Mess)

I think you know where you stand with a band called The Shits. The Leeds collective absolutely smash it on recent single ‘Waiting‘, pushing repetition to the point that even The Fall might blush. Can’t get over that killer riff – again, again, again!


Like what you see? Why not stick around and check out the other articles and interviews!
Don’t forget to follow Birthday Cake For Breakfast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

Listening Post – March 2023

At the end of the first Sex Pistols run, Johnny Rotten notoriously uttered “Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?” (as seen on that delightful wee Disney+ show directed by Morrissey). It’s exactly how I feel about February – where did the month go?! No sooner had the slog of January ended, we were opening the curtains on March. February eh…

Fear not though listener / reader, the first of the month comes with it the gift of a new playlist from Birthday Cake For Breakfast. Painstakingly curated, 20 tunes that have had us all excited over the past month, just waiting to share with you.

From rapid Aussie punk to arse-shaking Glaswegian dance music, it’s all here – tell your friends!

Squid – Swing (In A Dream)
(O Monolith)

Following on from the release of their mightily impressive debut full length ‘Bright Green Field‘ in 2021, Brighton formed quintet Squid build excitement for forthcoming LP ‘O Monolith‘ with their brilliant lead single ‘Swing (In A Dream)‘. Master of the tension build, drummer / vocalist Ollie Judge really has you on every word of the chorus. Another engaging piece from this exciting outfit.

CLAMM – Monday

Aussie trio CLAMM wowed us recently when they ripped it up opening for Preoccupations in Manchester. From their second album ‘Care‘ out last year, ‘Mondayis a proper adrenaline shot, the shouty back and forth vocal reminding us quite a bit of NYC lot B Boys. Nails riff on this!

Oscar – Sometimes

What a blast from the past it was re-discovering this again just the other day! A killer hook from the incredibly laid back sounding Oscar Scheller, this was a total earworm for yours truly back in… bloody hell, 2016! Love that Wes Anderson stylee vid.

Miss Grit – Nothing’s Wrong
(Follow the Cyborg)

Fair play to Korean-American artist Margaret Sohn a.k.a. Miss Grit – there’s a record sleeve to fit its title if ever we saw one! Having bowled us over with her 2021 EP ‘Impostor‘, we were chuffed to hear new single ‘Nothing’s Wrong‘ released at the start of February (from her self-produced debut album), a woozy, cucumber cool pop number that ticks all the right boxes.


Free Love – Dans Le Noir

Glaswegian duo Suzanne Rodden and Lewis Cook channel Northern dance-heads International Teachers Of Pop on this ludicrously funky piece from their recently released album ‘INSIDE‘. Arse-shaking euphoria!

Noble Rot – Casting No Light
(Heavenly Bodies, Repetition, Control)

A box fresh collaboration, Noble Rot is the work of Alex Edkins (METZ) and Graham Walsh (Holy Fuck), the pair roping in friends from their collective phonebooks for an exciting new studio project. The thumping ‘Casting No Light‘ is a really slick mind-expanding journey of a tune. A great glimpse of what’s to come.

The Eurosuite – BODY

The Eurosuite brings together players from USA Nails, Nitkowski, Screen Wives and COWER and the results are, as expected, quite noisy. The frantic ‘BODY‘ is a digital headbutt from across the World Wide Web, a proper wallop but one that makes you want seconds.

Snowpoet – Roots
(Wait For Me)

Captivating stuff from Londoners Snowpoet here, the pairing of Irish vocalist and lyricist Lauren Kinsella and producer Chris Hyson cooking up jazzy delights. The opener from their latest release ‘Wait For Me‘, ‘Roots‘ shares a similar vibe to another dynamite pairing in LUMP (Laura Marling and Mike Lindsay).

Island Of Love – Grow
(Island of Love)

The first signees to the UK branch of Third Man Records, Londoners Island Of Love have been building up quite the following down South, soon to crack the rest of the country no doubt – particularly with a run of dates this month. Taken from their first album proper, ‘Grow‘ has a bit of a Dinosaur Jr kick to it, which makes for intoxicating results.

The Lemon Twigs – Corner Of My Eye
(Everything Harmony)

A genuinely beautiful piece of work here from sibling duo Brian and Michael D’Addario a.k.a. The Lemon Twigs. Like a lullaby to get you off to sleep, it floats across its runtime in the vein of The Beatles and The Beach Boys at their loveliest. Magic.

Katherine Mackenzie

(Photo Credit: Katherine Mackenzie)

bdrmm – It’s Just A Bit Of Blood
(I Don’t Know)

On their label debut for Rock Action Records (Mogwai, Arab Strap, The Twilight Sad), Hull based quartet bdrmm fit the roster like a particularly snug glove. The follow up to their hotly tipped debut album ‘Bedroom‘, shades of Radiohead can be found on new single ‘It’s Just A Bit Of Blood‘, an engaging return for the outfit.

Public Body – No Constraint
(Big Mess)

Having relentlessly banged on about them since the release of their debut EP back in 2019, we’re chuffed up to see Public Body have got their debut album coming out (via on the button Brighton based label FatCat Records no less). Sharp post-punk with a touch of the Minneapolis Uranium Club to it, ‘No Constraint‘ is yet another bop from Public Body.

FACS – When You Say
(Still Life In Decay)

What a treat to have Chicago trio FACS back so soon after the release of their 2021 album ‘Present Tense‘. ‘When You Say‘ is a mega cool art-rock piece, featuring a proper rib-rattling performance from bassist Alianna Kalaba, on loan before the return of founding member Jonathan Van Herik. Another direct hit from the three-piece.

En Attendant Ana – Same Old Story

It was no shock to learn that En Attendant Ana are Parisian, given recent single ‘Same Old Story‘ has a bit of a 60s French swagger to it. Really tight performances all around from the quintet, the hypnotic vocals blindsided by moments of wig-out on the instrumental.


Holiday Ghosts – Vulture
(Absolute Reality)

Shades of Aussie lot TERRY on the new one from Falmouth’s Holiday Ghosts – a garage-rock type of affair from the foursome that really sinks its teeth in. Love the dual vocal of partners and main songwriters Katja Rackin and Samuel Stacpoole. Find it on new album ‘Absolute Reality‘, out this April.

Tee Vee Repairmann – Bus Stop
(What’s On TV)

Scrappy Doo and make no mistake, ‘Bus Stop‘ is a fuzzy delight from – you guessed it – a DIY Aussie punk (our favourite sort of punk!) Recorded in the living quarters of our Tee Vee Repairmann on a Tascam 488 MK1, this is Covid-catchy stuff.

Objections – BSA Day

Out now via tastemakers Wrong Speed Records, ‘BSA Day‘ is a solid groove-fest from Leeds lot Objections, featuring players from Bilge Pump and Nape Neck. The label reckon it’ll “be sung by roomfuls of folk up and down the country before the year’s out” and heck, they’re rarely wrong. Mega catchy, it’s a hit the ground running affair, this being their debut single. The debut album is pencilled in for later this year!

Big Break – Cancelled Again
(Angel’s Piss)

Album title of the year and it’s only March! Sheffield lot Big Break (made up of heavy hitters from the likes of Nai Harvest, Champayne and The Hipshakes) just released their debut album via Wrong Speed Records and lead single ‘Cancelled Again‘ is a nails shape-shifter, jumping between an upbeat garage rock style foot-tapper to a 100mph hardcore head-wrecker across its 120 seconds.

Drahla – Lip Sync

It’s always nice to have something new from Leeds-formed art-rockers Drahla and following the brilliant ‘Under The Glass‘ (one of our ‘Top 50 songs of 2022‘), ‘Lip Sync‘ offers up more taut post-punk for us to devour. With a video inspired by American artist Bruce Nauman’sLip Sync’ from 1969, it offers a further glimpse behind the curtain of one of the more exciting outfits knocking about today.

Audiobooks – Burnt Pictures

I made the mistake of listening to this for the first time when I wasn’t concentrating, completely missing the humour and renowned oddness of vocalist Evangeline Ling. With headphones in and a blank canvas up top though, the new Audiobooks single (from forthcoming EP ‘Gulliver‘) clicked into place – the catchy instrumental from David Wrench underneath a tip of the iceberg tale of a night of “mad business” resulting in someone’s gear getting rinsed by some unsavoury sorts. Guest appearance from Manchester’s OneDa with a humorously cutting verse wraps up another enjoyable number from this pair.

Rachel Lipsitz

(Photo Credit: Rachel Lipsitz)

Like what you see? Why not stick around and check out the other articles and interviews!
Don’t forget to follow Birthday Cake For Breakfast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

Listening Post – February 2023

Happy New Year, yeah? We’re not too late are we? You’re looking well, anyway.

Sorry for the delay – we took a wee break for January (due to 9-5 commitments, walking the dog, staring at the calendar waiting for dry January to end and other endeavours) but the monthly playlist is back!

To bring you back up to speed, every month we put out a new playlist – 20 tunes, old and new – featuring everything that tickles our fancy. Get involved and maybe discover something new!

NEWS – We’re chuffed up to say Birthday Cake For Breakfast turns 10 this year! It all started back in February of 2013 when a couple of young guys interviewed The Computers in a bar that no longer exists. We’ve not looked back since! Keep an eye out for developments within February for what we’ve got in store to celebrate!

Decisive Pink – Haffmilch Holiday

Regular readers might’ve cottoned on that we love the work of Kate NV, the Russian artist who creates such wonky pop pieces. We’ve got a soft spot too for Deradoorian, the NYC based artist who wowed us with her ‘Find The Sun‘ album in 2020. Now they’ve come together as the dreamy, synth-heavy Decisive Pink, and their debut ‘Haffmilch Holiday‘ calls to mind another pair of mega collaborators, DRINKS (Cate Le Bon and Tim Presley). Their bio suggests they both play “a bunch of modular synthesizers“, which is vague enough to build much excitement in us!

Jamie Lenman – Deep Down
(The Athiest)

Lenners, you dog! Talk about anthems, this cut from the latest Jamie Lenman record is such a heart-sweller – thumping chorus and a vocal that just won’t quit, it’s hard not to pump your fist throughout its duration. Word has it that a demo of ‘Deep Down‘ existed way back in the Reuben days, tucked between the second and third records, just waiting to be plucked out of the archives over a decade later!

We interviewed Lenman late last year at LENMANIA III, where he spoke of ‘Deep Down‘ and lots more. Read all about it here!

Kadhja Bonet – JGS

Kadhja Bonet has been on our radar ever since ‘Childqueen‘ scored the Album of the Year honours from Piccadilly Records back in 2018. On ‘JGS‘ (Just Getting Started), the California based artist offers up more transcendence, utilising her heart-stopping vocal to stun the listener, subsequently strapping them into a soulful time machine and flicking the switch back a few decades. Said to be a peak at an upcoming full length on the horizon, we can’t wait to go along for the journey.

Apollo Ghosts – Pink Tiger
(Pink Tiger)

Bloody hell, this is lovely. There’s a bit of a Purple Mountains vibe within, Canadian outfit Apollo Ghosts here captivating from note one. From a full length record of the same name out last spring, ‘Pink Tiger‘ is a proper peaceful cut. Love that intriguing, slightly abrupt ending as the vocals ring out ‘I never said I love you too…

Traffik Island – Go!
(Sweat Kollecta’s Peanut Butter Traffik Jam)

A lockdown discovery (remember the pandemic?), ‘Go!‘ found its way back to us recently, the Cornelius style mind-enhancer really taking you on a journey. From the brilliantly titled ‘Sweat Kollecta’s Peanut Butter Traffik Jam‘, it’s a swish, psychedelic trip, peppered with nifty samples.


Bolis Pupul – Neon Buddha

Having topped our Top 50 Songs of 2022 list at the tail end of last year with the equally brilliant Charlotte Adigéry, Belgium-based producer Bolis Pupul followed up their collaborative joys with the super cool, head-spinning electronica number ‘Neon Buddha‘. Released in May of last year, it’s said to have been inspired by a dream Bolis had of a pagoda in Hong Kong, featuring a contemplative Buddha made of neon lights.

Nine Below Zero – Eleven Plus Eleven
(Third Degree)

Love discovering things like this! Sounding very much like it could come out tomorrow but also couldn’t have come out any other time than 1982, ‘Eleven Plus Eleven‘ packs loads into just over two minutes, calling to mind the likes of fellow Brits The Jam, The Housemartins and XTC

Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band – My Head Is My Only House Unless It Rains
(Clear Spot)

At the start of the year, I was chuffed to discover a playlist curated by journalist Andrew Male that catered to those who like their Beefheart soft rather than hard. The ‘Captain Sweetheart‘ playlist comes up with the goods again and again, with this delightful piece from 1972 release ‘Clear Spot‘ suggesting that the Captain wasn’t just about drugging up his bandmates and making their lives hell…

Scritti Politti – Wood Beez
(Cupid & Psyche 85)

Woof, where have Scritti Politti been all my life?! Exactly my kind of 80s art-pop, this sounds like it influenced a lot of what I like, but might’ve also been on the soundtrack to ‘A Goofy Movie‘. Two thumbs up, either way.

You’ll Never Get To Heaven – Caught In Time, So Far Away

Fair play to Canadian duo You’ll Never Get To Heaven – everything about them seems perfectly plotted to match the music. The hazy, mysterious imagery of the cover for ‘Adorn‘ is complimented by the floating sense one has listening to the dreamy, shoegaze-y ‘Caught In Time, So Far Away‘, its explosions of percussion reminiscent of fellow countrymen Preoccupations.


Jeshi – This Thing Of Ours
(Universal Credit)

From debut album ‘Universal Credit‘, ‘This Thing Of Ours‘ hit us instantly with the line ‘…I should probably go and see my family more, probably text more‘. Relatable! The LDN based artist that is Jeshi is said to have written the record whilst broke and having nothing to look forward to, a feeling shared by many – “We’re in deep, me and you…

GOAT – Do The Dance
(Oh Death)

Having been mildly obsessed with the debut offering from GOATMAN back in 2018, it’s a trip to once again enter the hypnotic world of mysterious Swedish collective GOAT. ‘Do The Dance‘ is such a cool, hypnotic vibe of a track, with dancing in mind – one that makes you want to join a drum circle posthaste!

CIVIC – Blood Rushes
(Taken By Force)

During the first lockdown, as I took myself on yet another walk up and down the River Mersey to stave off boredom, the search for new music always unearthed CIVIC as a recommended artist. From a new album out this month, new single ‘Blood Rushes‘ is a nostalgia-tinged, heart-pumping anthem that leans more toward a poppier side from the Aussie punks.

Mock Tudors – Bin Day

Ripper! Love the glam-stomp on this from nostalgia-peddlers Mock Tudors, channelling Sparks and T. Rex, as well as recent tourmates The Bug Club, across the super catchy ‘Bin Day‘. Quick break before the end for a spoken word passage and a disgusting wee tale about a bloke licking bin rims and “tasting what you’ve had for your dinner the night before“. Grim.

First Day Of Spring – Moon Boy
(Fly Over Apple Blossom)

I remember doing the washing up (where music sounds best) and being glued to the spot when first hearing this from LDN outfit First Day Of Spring. With influences ranging from Silver Jews to Sonic Youth, a hushed beginning and delicateness blends in with fuzzy guitar for an engrossing listen. When those strings come in, it’s bliss.


(Photo Credit: Ranishka Kumarage)

Bo Gritz – Observes and Selects

Half a decade on from their last release, Londoners Bo Gritz return with nails new one ‘Observes and Selects‘, a thudding, moody two minutes that hardly lets up. Vocals hit direct, put together using the cut-up technique favoured by Burroughs and the like.

Bo Gritz talked us through the track on their return – read all about it here!

Terry – Gold Duck
(Call Me Terry)

What a mega start to 2023 with the announcement of a new record from Aussie quartet Terry! It’s hard to believe it’s been five years since their last full-length, ‘I’m Terry‘, and in typical Terry fashion, their forthcoming new album is simply called ‘Call Me Terry‘. Lead single ‘Gold Duck‘ is another sun-soaked, catchy-as-hell weirdo-pop delight. Never change, Terry.

Sarabeth Tucek – The Gift
(Joan Of All)

Known for her work with Bill Callahan, Anton Newcombe and others, Sarabeth Tucek has returned following a decade away from it all with news of a new album and a new moniker – SBT. Starting life as a breezy, warming piece, the second half of new single ‘The Gift‘ takes a turn for a more serious sound, drums more urgent and guitar teetering on wigging out as the instrumental cuts loose. 

Screaming Females – Brass Bell
(Desire Pathway)

It’s still a trip discovering a band that have been at it for yonks but have completely flown under your particular radar. Seventeen years into it, New Jersey formed outfit Screaming Females are set to release a new album this month! Lead single ‘Brass Bell‘ had me gripped straight away, each step of the way leaving me guessing as to where they were headed next. Proper nails blend of punk and Sabbath-style old-school metal.

Dutch Uncles – Tropigala (2 to 5)
(True Entertainment)

I was hooked on ‘Tropigala (2 to 5)‘ as soon as I heard the (almost inaudible) mumblings of the title during its opening seconds. Dutch Uncles sure know how to write a bop – the type of bop that has you singing the lyrics back when the second chorus comes around and dancing around the kitchen (chances are I’m doing the washing up) when that ripper guitar solo breaks out. It’s good to have them back!


Like what you see? Why not stick around and check out the other articles and interviews!
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Listening Post – December 2022

Now that the work Christmas do is out of the way (reader, I had mine last night – forgive any spelling mistakes), we march through to the 25th and the big man with the gifts.

Before all that though, important matters at hand – our monthly rippers playlist! You’ll find it all in here – From jazzy Japanese hip-hop to Northern post-punk to NYC hardcore to Welsh indie.

Tell your mum, tell your dad – have an enjoyable festive period, wherever you are.

Vansire / MUNYA – Vivienne
(The Modern Western World)

On ‘Vivienne‘, Minnesota duo Vansire enlist the help of Canadian artist MUNYA to elevate the glittering single to heart-swelling highs. Pleasant and then some, it’s the audio equivalent of falling asleep on the beach with the sound of the sea in earshot. Magnifique.

Julia Jacklin – Love, Try Not To Let Go

Having obsessed over the tremendous ‘Crushing‘ in 2019, we know Australian artist Julia Jacklin can tug at our heart strings. From her latest album ‘PRE PLEASURE‘, ‘Love, Try Not To Let Go‘ really gets the heart racing, particularly that unexpected thumping chorus. In early November we got to see it played out in the flesh, a proper treat in a live capacity with everything beefed up. Don’t be a stranger, Julia!

Humint – The Felt
(It’s Bunk!)

A year on from our first (and only) sighting of Humint, a choice play on the wireless the other day reminded us just how much excitement they cooked up within us when we caught them supporting The Eurosuite at local spot Wilderness Record Store (RIP). The Greater Manchester locals have that all-over-the-shop post-punk quality we loved about DUDS, which makes sense given some of their numbers previously played in the much missed outfit.

Show Me The Body – Boils Up
(Trouble The Water)

UGH! NYC hardcore trio Show Me The Body go hypnotic on the explosive ‘Boils Up‘. Underpinned by a total feeling of unease, it pulsates – at times sounding like a swarm of wasps are on the loose – as vocalist Julian Cashwan Pratt hollers over the top.

Cola – So Excited
(Deep In View)

Having only really discovered them just before releasing their final album ‘Room Inside The World‘, I was gutted when Ought called it a day. Thankfully, vocalist Tim Darcy and bassist Ben Stidworthy didn’t drift too far, teaming up with Evan Cartwright of U.S. Girls to form Cola, who it must be said do sound quite a bit like Ought. ‘So Excited‘ is a cucumber cool wee number.

2nd Grade – Dennis Hopper In Easy Rider
(Hit To Hit)

Shades of Kevin Devine and Kiwi Jr ring through on this hazy summer day scorcher from Philadelphia’s 2nd Grade. A lot packed into 90 seconds, ‘Dennis Hopper In Easy Rider‘ is really infectious stuff – good luck not bopping along to this!


Dos Monos – DOG EATS GOD

Recent tour support for Black Midi, Japanese hip-hop outfit Dos Monos pricked up our ears almost instantly – offering up notes of American hip-hop groups Gravediggaz and The Pharcyde, as well as that ‘Joyride‘ song from ‘Grand Theft Auto‘… ‘DOG EATS GOD‘ is hella catchy. The story goes the trio even had their own miniseries on Japanese TV (which they starred in and scored)!

H Hawkline – Milk For Flowers
(Milk For Flowers)

Drafting in contemporaries and Birthday Cake For Breakfast favourites Cate Le Bon and Sweet Baboo (alongside Davey Newington of Boy Azooga and Tim Presley of White Fence), H Hawkline is building excitement for fifth album, ‘Milk For Flowers‘. Its heart-swelling title track has quite a bit of Todd Rundgren about it, ‘Milk For Flowers‘ being a song which mesmerises from note one.

Blacklisters – Why Deny It?
(Leisure Centre)

From their latest EP ‘Leisure Centre‘, Blacklisters have penned possibly their catchiest number yet, bassist Steven Hodson and drummer Alistair Stobbart laying down the infectious groove for the rest of the band to go nuts over – sax wigging out and vocals getting more and more unhinged as it builds and builds. Proper.

Todd Rundgren – I Saw The Light
(Something / Anything?)

Inspired listening following the release of the new H Hawkline single in November, the Welsh songwriter very much calling to mind famed songwriter and record producer, Todd Rundgren. The opening track from his 1972 album ‘Something/Anything?‘, ‘I Saw The Light‘ is very much a vibe.

Weird Nightmare – So Far Gone

A summer rager in November c/o Alex Edkins a.k.a. Weird Nightmare. Taking a brief break from shouting himself hoarse in Canadian mega trio METZ, this year saw Edkins release a solo album of fuzzy, anthemic sun-soaked bangers that lean more towards the poppier side of things, new single ‘So Far Gone‘ very much a continuation of what he’s been dishing out in 2022.

Richard Dawson – The Fool
(The Ruby Cord)

Fronted by 41 minute epic ‘The Hermit‘, the new Richard Dawson album ‘The Ruby Cord‘ appears on the surface like it could be a challenge. But then again, what would you expect from the North East songwriter who last year took a side-step and made a concept album with Circle, touted as ‘The New Wave Of Finnish Heavy Metal‘. ‘The Fool‘ builds to such transcendent highs (almost as high as Dawson’s falsetto!)


Dilettante – Keep Time

Known for mixing it up with BC Camplight in his live band, multi-instrumentalist Francesca Pidgeon a.k.a. Dilettante this year released her debut full-length album, ‘Tantrum‘. From it, the hypnotic ‘Keep Time‘ has a Field Music-esque wonkiness to it, keeping you on your toes as much as Pidgeon is in its jump-rope themed video!

Dilettante recently talked us through the single, which you can read about here!

Shame – Fingers Of Steel
(Food for Worms)

Building on the captivating, atmospheric ‘Station Wagon‘ that closed out their last album ‘Drunk Tank Pink‘, globetrotters Shame build anticipation for their forthcoming third album ‘Food for Worms‘ with the invigorating ‘Fingers Of Steel‘. Described by vocalist Charlie Steen as “the Lamborghini of shame records”, colour us truly excited for what’s to come.

David Brewis – The Last Day
(The Soft Struggles)

Even when stepping away from the Field Music banner, I love that brothers Peter and David Brewis still muck in with each other’s solo projects. David Brewis recently announced a forthcoming solo record under his own name (having previously released material under the School Of Language moniker), due out on the band’s own Daylight Saving Records and with Peter semi-top billing on its cover! Capturing that Brewis magic as ever, ‘The Last Day‘ is such a treat from a pairing that never miss.

David was kind enough to talk us through ‘The Last Day on its release.

Horse Lords – May Brigade
(Comradely Objects)

I love becoming obsessive over a record and then having the chance to catch the band not long after. Having released their new album ‘Comradely Objects‘ at the beginning of November, we were lucky enough to catch Horse Lords just over a week later in Salford – a proper trip of a show. ‘May Brigade‘ is a frantic, energetic piece that has head-spinning in mind.

Sunday Lendis – Breathe Again

A song about feeling the sun on your skin once more.” Is how Leeds based artist Sunday Lendis describes her debut single, the at-times tranquil ‘Breathe Again‘. With a dash of Laura Marling in the mix, it’s a really pleasant, engaging piece.

Pure Adult – The Power of Incredible Violence Part III

We’ve all got to start somewhere. For Jeremy Snyder, formative years were spent in a cult-like church, but look at him now – one half of experimental punk outfit Pure Adult, along with contemporary dancer and visual artist Bianca Abarca. From earlier this year, ‘The Power of Incredible Violence Part III‘ takes you on a journey – from tripped-out psych stylings to full-throttle shouting-in-your-face punk, all with a groove to get you shaking your hips.

Adwaith – Sudd
(Bato Mato)

Having won the Welsh Music Prize not once but twice (the first band to do so), South West Wales trio Adwaith this year released their hotly tipped second album ‘Bato Mato‘. From it, ‘Sudd‘ is a real delight, a bouncy vibe enhancer that shares similarities with the sort of stuff you’d expect from former tourmate Gwenno.

Annie Hamilton – Night Off
(The Future is Here But it Feels Kinda Like the Past)

Night Off‘, from the debut Annie Hamilton album out earlier this year, really washes over you with a dreamy shimmer to it, the Australian artist effectively allowing you, the listener, the night off as you allow yourself three minutes to get lost in the music. A worthy three minutes to rest up and let Hamilton take the wheel.

Charlie Hardy

(Photo Credit: Charlie Hardy)

Like what you see? Why not stick around and check out the other articles and interviews!
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Listening Post – November 2022

Well bugger me if it isn’t already November. Now that spooky season is behind us, we march on towards the big day – but not before whipping through November.

Our new playlist for the month is now live featuring 20 tunes, old and new. From wonky Russian alt-pop to ultra-pleasant Indonesia inspired jazz – It’s all here for the taking.

Tell your mum, tell your mates but please – leave the fireworks out if it this year, yeah? Dogs hate it.

Crack Cloud – Virtuous Industry
(Tough Baby)

Energising sprint from Canadian collective Crack Cloud, taken from their latest release, ‘Tough Baby‘. Vocalist Zach Choy gets all wonky with his mile-a-minute vocal delivery, ‘Virtuous Industry‘ capturing everything that we love about the outfit. Plug this one right into my nut!

Sweet Baboo – Good Luck
(The Wreckage)

Written by fellow countryman and collaborator H. Hawkline, the new single from Sweet Baboo is a sun-soaked, heavenly wee number that has more than a touch of The Kinks about it in the vocals. From a forthcoming new album on his own label (Amazing Tapes from Canton), it’s the first Sweet Baboo release since 2017s terrific ‘Wild Imagination‘ (though Baboo a.k.a. Stephen Black has spent the intervening years touring with the likes of Cate Le Bon and releasing records with Paul Jones as Group Listening).

Sweet Baboo recently gave us the low-down on the single – read that here.

Stephen Malkmus – Jo Jo’s Jacket
(Stephen Malkmus)

From his debut album post-Pavement, Malkmus brings that catchiness with him on the wicked ‘Jo Jo’s Jacket‘. Not a moment wasted, this has good times running through its middle like a stick of Blackpool rock. Nod of the head to the Yul Brynner and ‘Westworld’ references too.

Jenia Filatova

(Photo Credit: Jenia Filatova)

Kate NV – Early Bird

Following her wonderful 2020 album ‘Room for the Moon‘, Russian artist Kate Shilonosova a.k.a. Kate NV goes full on art-pop with her latest single, ‘Early Bird‘. Funky as hell (with bass parts fresh out of ‘Les Aventures de TINTIN‘) but full of quirks (and chirping, tweeting birdsong), it sounds like it’s come straight off the soundtrack of PlayStation platformer ‘Croc: Legend of the Gobbos‘ (obviously a good thing).

Baby Cool – The Sea
(Earthling On The Road To Self Love)

The opener from her forthcoming solo debut, we welcome back Nice Biscuit via this from co-front woman Grace Cuell, a.k.a. Baby Cool. There’s a real dream-like quality to ‘The Sea’ – all vibe, it’s an enchanting offering from the Australia-based artist that has a bit of Cate Le Bon about it. 

Emma Pollock – Hug The Harbour
(The Law Of Large Numbers)

Emma Pollock, one of the founding members of cult Scottish alt-rock group The Delgados, truly captivates on ‘Hug The Harbour‘. From her second album ‘The Law Of Large Numbers‘ out in 2010, it’s all driving forward during the verses, the drumming keeping you on your toes as you hang onto every word from the vocalist.

Natasha Sandworms – Pet You
(No Magic)

Fuzzy heart-stopper here from the brilliantly named Natasha Sandworms. Eight minutes fly by in an instant, a haze of washed out guitar and soft, distant vocal, the guitar work taking on a nostalgic tone at points, reminiscent of early New Order.


Public Body – 35s & 40s
(Break From Life)

Another winner from the never-miss Brighton five-piece Public Body, we’ve banged on about this lot for years and seemingly will continue to do so when they churn out rippers like this. From their debut release on FatCat Records, ‘35s & 40s‘ propels forward with a DEVO synth attack and hardly lets up across its five minutes.

The Cowboys – After Sunset
(Volume 4)

What a swagger The Cowboys have about them. Would you expect anything less from a crew with a name like that? From a 2016 cassette release, ‘After Sunset‘ is a real treat from the Bloomington, Indiana outfit, vocalist Keith Harman really putting it out there with a twinge of a country and western great about him.

Myd – Moving Men
(Metronomy Remix)

DeMarco and Mount on the same record? Woof! From the tremendously titled album ‘Born A Loser‘, French artist Myd’s cheery whistle-fest ‘Moving Men‘ gets a proper moody Metronomy makeover. Metronomy main man Joseph Mount and Mac DeMarco go back to back on the vocals with Myd to elevate the single into the stratosphere.

The C.I.A. – Impersonator
(Surgery Channel)

Denée Segall returns once again as The C.I.A., with husband Ty and Emmett Kelly backing her up, the trio busting out the fuzz for the covid-catchy ‘Impersonator‘. Flitting between cool customer and Valley Girl, Segall’s vocals keep you hooked whilst the double bass thud of Kelly and Ty rattles the ears.


Dinosaur Jr. – Start Choppin’
(Where You Been)

Mid-October had me all g’d up for Massachusetts mainstays Dinosaur Jr.,when the trio visited Manchester for a proper head-banging affair. A dipped toe previously, sure, but homework was undertaken prior to the show and in all the cramming, ‘Start Choppin’‘ was a major standout amongst all the gold. Solid.

Akusmi – Cogito
(Fleeting Future)

On ‘Cogito‘, Pascal Bideau – the French-born, London based composer, multi-instrumentalist and producer – reminds us so much of fellow Frenchman (via Canada) Mathieu David Gagnon a.k.a. Flore Laurentienne. Inspired in part by a visit to Indonesia, where Bideua immersed himself in traditional Gamelan and gong music, ‘Cogito‘ is such a delightful, hypnotising piece.

Dutch Uncles – True Entertainment
(True Entertainment)

From the long awaited follow up to ‘Big Balloon‘ (which the internet tells me came out in 2017?!), Manchester’s goodest boys Dutch Uncles return with the scintillating ‘True Entertainment‘. The art-poppers have clearly not missed a beat in their time away, crafting yet another bop to add to their ever-growing collection. The skills pay the bills.

Kenny Segal / Serengeti – Ajai Finale

Fairly soon, people are going to start asking you if you’ve watched ‘The Bear‘ yet. Save yourself the embarrassment and get it watched. From its soundtrack comes this, a collab between LA producer Kenny Segal and Chicago rapper Serengeti, which in itself feels like an episode of the hit TV show condensed into just shy of four minutes.

Kyoto Kyoto – Fenderr
(Mirror Flexing Jaw)

A choice slot supporting Tricot the other month in that London is a good indicator of where Kyoto Kyoto are up to. The London based trio released their debut EP ‘Mirror Flexing Jaw‘ at the start of the year and from it, ‘Fenderr‘ has really gripped us. Calling to mind the likes of Squid and The Homesick, it’s proper energising stuff.

Cameron Kelly

(Photo Credit: Cameron Kelly)

Horse Lords – Zero Degree Machine
(Comradely Objects)

Taken from their forthcoming fifth album ‘Comradely Objects‘, Baltimore, Maryland quartet Horse Lords are all about the build on ‘Zero Degree Machine‘. Hypnotising and then some, the instrumental threatens to fly off track again and again but really rewards you for locking in. Proper rad.

Blacklisters – Leisure Centre
(Leisure Centre)

Blacklisters know where it’s at. Long live the ‘Leisure Centre’. Fond memories of post-swim hot chocolates from the vending machine at Madeley Court as a youngster… The title track from the latest Blacklisters release is pure gnarliness, a proper Pissed Jeans-esque thudder to get your neck jamming.

Martha – Beat, Perpetual
(Please Don’t Take Me Back)

Sugar-rush, anthemic poppy punk from Martha, the Durham lot hitting the ground running with the opener from their latest record, ‘Please Don’t Take Me Back‘. That chorus is pure energy and impossible not to love. Dig those killer J Mascis style guitar parts!

Martha recently gave us the low-down on the title track – read that here.

BODEGA – Statuette On The Console
(Broken Equipment)

With no fewer than nine versions of the song out there (each in a different language), New York art-punks BODEGA really put the graft in for this cut from their second album ‘Broken Equipment‘. Anthemic is the name of the game with ‘Statuette On The Console‘, a track which reminds us quite a bit of fellow New Yorkers Blondie.

Like what you see? Why not stick around and check out the other articles and interviews!
Don’t forget to follow Birthday Cake For Breakfast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

Listening Post – September 2022

Get ready folks because there are a lot of pleasant songs within the playlist this month. Something about the Autumn, you know? Crunchy leaves underfoot as you get lost within dreamy, jazz-y numbers.

Still something in there for the pace-keepers, mind – from frantic punk to guitar hero bravado, glam art-pop to speed-fuelled whistling-wonkiness from Prestwich.

Tell your Dad, tell your Mum – give it a share and a follow too, why not!

Black Midi – Hellfire

Very much the sound of a bad dream, ‘Hellfire‘ is the opener from the latest Black Midi album of the same name – a haunting 84 seconds that moves along at speed, leaving you frantically trying to keep up. Setting the listener up nicely for the often theatrical whirlwind that follows across its ten tracks, a particular choice line from vocalist Geordie Greep is as follows: “…Gets it right in the classroom, but wrong in the examination hall.

Wine Lips – Eyes
(Mushroom Death Sex Bummer Party)

100mph, scrappy, under two minutes. Yes please. Taken from the 2021 release ‘Mushroom Death Sex Bummer Party‘ (a shoe-in for album title of the year if we’d known it existed), ‘Eyes‘ is a fuzzy, garage stomper from a quintet of Canadians we’ve now got a keen eye on.

WOOZE – Cowardly Custard
(The Magnificent Eleven)

Inspired in part by English playwright and performer Noël Coward’sCowardy Custard‘, the latest single from British/Korean duo WOOZE is, once again, just the ticket. A mega bouncy, mega funky glam-rock affair that predicts there’s lots of fun to be had on their forthcoming EP.

Speaking with us recently about Coward, drummer Jamie She noted: “I just recently read an account of when Noël Coward badmouthed The Beatles, and I’d like to think he’d also hate our song.

The Bug Club – Love Is A Painting
(Green Dream in F#)

More delightful, assured pop nuggets on the way from Welsh lot The Bug Club, a trio we’ve been banging on about since their tremendous debut single ‘We Don’t Need Room For Lovin’’. Darlings of BBC Radio 6 Music ever since, their latest (from forthcoming debut album ‘Green Dream in F#‘) is a real catchy piece of work, channelling the greats across its two minutes.

Lovescene – Suits You

Bring the mood (and the lights) down for a minute for Manchester locals Lovescene and the sultry slow-jam of ‘Suits You‘. Not a nod to the famous Fast Show catchphrase, instead it tells the tale of “an irresistible lover who doesn’t see you the way you see them.” Featuring the stop-you-in-your-tracks soulful vocals of Pops Roberts, it’s part of The Singles Club from Band on the Wall Recordings – a new label based out of the iconic music venue in Manchester city centre.


Julia Jacklin – I Was Neon

Having bowled us over with her second album ‘Crushing‘ in 2019, Aussie songwriter Julia Jacklin once again wows with cuts from her latest record, ‘PRE PLEASURE‘. ‘I Was Neon‘ calls to mind the feels one felt on first hearing ‘Pressure To Party‘. Set hearts to flutter.

The Sweet Enoughs – Dream Puppy

Time for some ‘Pet Sounds‘ loveliness from The Sweet Enoughs – the project of Hiatus Kaiyote’s Paul Bender (with thanks attributed to the mysterious Yannis Dreamlake and Dreamlake International Visions). Discovered via Group Listening’s Paul Jones, ‘Dream Puppy‘ is a tranquil, sun-soaked treat that conjures up visions of lounging by the sea without a care.

Flore Laurentienne – Voiles
(Volume II)

First discovered on these very pages via Deliluh’s Kyle Knapp, Flore Laurentienne is a project that continues to captivate us. The work of Canadian artist Mathieu David Gagnon, Flore Laurentienne is all about heart-stopping, cinematic compositions. The forthcoming ‘Volume II‘ is the “second offering of orchestral navigations“, with ‘Voiles‘ being a beautiful first taste.

Sven Wunder – Sun Kissed

Another composer tickling our fancy from afar, Sweden’s Sven Wunder makes the most of the dying days of summer with the bright and breezy ‘Sun Kissed‘. Bursts of brass mingle with sitar and jazz-y woodwind for a throwback pop sound that really does the trick!

D.K. – Ivory Forest
(Island of Dreams)

Swish chilled out electronics as D.K. allows you onto his ‘Island of Dreams‘. As serene as the record cover which it comes from, ‘Ivory Forest‘ is two and a half minutes of ambient relaxation.

Dorothy Ashby – Little Sunflower

Jazz harp. Of course. ‘Little Sunflower‘ from the late Detroit artist Dorothy Ashby’s brilliantly titled ‘Afro-Harping‘ is a cool little number. An unmistakable groove allows Ashby to do her harp-ing all over the top of it. If only it were a good few minutes longer, one could live in this forever!


OSEES – Arena of Blood
(Dungeons & Dragons: Spelljams)

Having literally just released an album, the never-stopping OSEES now lend a track to a Dungeons & Dragons compilation (naturally). A continuation of sorts from latest record ‘A Foul Form‘, it dips a toe into the crushing territory last heard on the likes of ‘Orc‘ and ‘Smote Reverser‘. With Dwyer in full on goblin mode, ‘Arena Of Blood‘ is a head-spinning trip.

The Fall – Shoulder Pads 1#
(Bend Sinister)

I was skimming through Steve Hanley’s rather wonderful book ‘The Big Midweek: Life Inside The Fall‘ – tales of horror, comedy, action or despair depending on which page you’ve landed on – in search of a story about ‘Shoulder Pads 1#‘. Couldn’t find it, but I believe he alleges this was the first time The Fall had used a sampler. Before they could record something cool however, Mark E. Smith instead insisted they sampled him whistling… Fair play, he was right. Very catchy indeed.

The Week That Was – It’s All Gone Quiet
(The Week That Was)

What a wonderful release from Peter Brewis and company, recorded during a hiatus from Field Music between 2007 and 2009 (though with brother David still involved, alongside a number of Field Music regulars). ‘It’s All Gone Quiet’ – with its tremendous Dutch Uncles style percussion – builds terrifically, with a bit of a Kate Bush flair on the quiet. Next year brings us the 15th anniversary of the album release – come on Memphis Industries, let’s have some vinyl!

SOYUZ (СОЮЗ) – I Knew It
(Force of the Wind)

The terrific Kate NV lends her heavenly vocal talents to a new one from Belarus based creative collective SOYUZ, with ‘I Knew It‘ being a transcendent piece. Backed up with beautiful flute, strings, piano and percussion, it all comes together for a heart-racing final 90 second stretch.

Partner Look – Speed Limit
(By The Book)

Attach the hurtling through the year feeling to this from Partner Look, from their debut album which came out in February, rather than just last week… A slightly moodier, shoulder-shuffling affair compared to the rest of the record, it reminds us of that brilliant collaboration between Baxter Dury, Delilah Holliday and Étienne de Crécy from a few years back.


Modern Nature – Brigade
(Island Of Noise)

Love this from Cambridge collective Modern Nature’s most recent long player, headed up by Jack Cooper (formerly of Ultimate Painting). Hushed verses make way for energising saxophone wig-outs that really cut through. For (modern) nature fans, Jack Cooper and Conan Roberts made a film to go along with the album, allowing one to be completely immersed in the full album experience.

7ebra – If I Ask Her

Box-fresh Swedish duo 7ebra have got the makings for something special. The pairing of 25 year-old twin sisters from Malmö, their debut single ‘If I Ask Her‘ is a proper hypnotising effort, punctuated by haunting organ stabs. Debut album on the way early 2023 on PNKSLM Recordings.

Drahla – Under The Glass

Off the back of their 2019 debut album ‘Useless Coordinates‘, it’s a welcome surprise to have Leeds outfit Drahla back. New single ‘Under The Glass‘ offers more of their cucumber cool, where’s-it-going-next brand of post-punk, the track acting as a collage of sorts, reworking new material with ideas previously created in early 2020. Taken from a forthcoming album that is alleged to be mostly unwritten. Always keeping us guessing, this lot.

Delicate Steve – Cartoon Rock
(This Is Steve)

If you were called Delicate Steve, you’d definitely call your album ‘This Is Steve‘, right? No beating around the bush for our Steve. I remember being mildly obsessed with this riff-fest upon first hearing it back in 2017. ‘Cartoon Rock‘ is pure ZZ Top chops and exactly the sort of thing you’d imagine from someone calling themselves Delicate Steve.

Like what you see? Why not stick around and check out the other articles and interviews!
Don’t forget to follow Birthday Cake For Breakfast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

Listening Post – August 2022

Hello readers, here we are again with another playlist to sink your teeth into – we hope you like punk! From France to Japan, Australia to Wales, right through America and England, we’ve stocked the playlist right up!

You’ll also find wee bits of country here and there, big pop bangers and a dash of math-y emo to sort you right out.

If you like what you hear, check out the back catalogue of the artists featured and maybe share with a pal, why not?

Taqbir – Aisha Qandisha

A year on from its release and we’re still knocked out by this four track EP from Moroccan hardcore punks Taqbir. ‘Aisha Qandisha‘ is a fuzzy ripper that proper takes aim. DOOF DOOF DOOF!

Snõõper – Town Topic
(Town Topic EP)

A favourite discovery this year – scrappy punk lot Snõõper from Nashville, Tennessee. DEVO on x3 speed, ‘Town Topic‘ – from a forthcoming 7” of the same name – is a real head-spinning heart-beater, longing for a hot room and a buzzing crowd.

Jimmy Eat World – If You Don’t, Don’t
(Bleed American)

In the run up to 2000 Trees Festival this year – where one of the headliners just happened to be Jimmy Eat World (!) – prep for the big day involved running through seminal album ‘Bleed American‘ for the first time. Then a second time, then a few more times. Man, what a record eh? The anthemic ‘If You Don’t, Don’t‘ sounds like the finest song We Are Scientists didn’t release. Mega.

Island Of Love – Songs Of Love
(Songs Of Love)

Heart-swellers of the world, unite and take over. Talk of London town, Island Of Love recently signed a deal with the UK branch of Third Man Records – the first act for the label – giving a fuzzy nod of the head to J Mascis and his mates for the title track from their latest EP.


Vintage Crop – The Duke

Rapid-fire Aussie punk just how we like it, taken from the rather good new Vintage Crop record. Love that slightly sarcy vocal delivery of guitarist Jack Cherry as he speak-sings ‘I’m the fridge, you’re the magnet…’ Synth heaven on this 90 second screamer.

The Aussies were recently in Manchester, highlights of which you can read here.

EUT – It’s Love (But It’s Not Mine)
(Party Time)

We do love a good pop song, don’t we? Gross cover yes, but a great track. Taking influence from the likes of Blur and The Cardigans, ‘It’s Love (But It’s Not Mine)‘ is a big pop banger from Dutch quintet EUT, one which dares the listener to sit still.

Frank Black – Whatever Happened To Pong?
(Teenager Of The Year)

Hard to believe, but whilst the UK and beyond burned through a terrifying heatwave mid-July, the bloody Pixies were in Manchester, with an intimate performance at the (for a band their size) rather small Band on the Wall (having previously whipped crowds up at the much larger Apollo up the road). Whilst we didn’t go (30 degrees at night? Come on…), it did kick off a wee Frank Black sesh for the days that followed, and it’s hard not to love the frantic ‘Whatever Happened To Pong?

Gilla Band – Eight Fivers
(Most Normal)

The first release under their new name, TAFKA Girl Band are still intent on head-kicking, with latest single ‘Eight Fivers‘ absolutely doing the trick – a proper head-fuck, make no mistake. From a recently announced new album, it carries on the hypnosis of 2019s ‘The Talkies‘.

G2g – No Kid No Angel

An Australian release not mastered by Mikey Young?! Set to support Amyl And The Sniffers on a few of their forthcoming Australian dates, Sydney’s G2g rip on ‘No Kid No Angel‘, from a self-titled EP out in 2020, reminding us very much of fellow patriots Terry.

Gulfer – Greetings
(Greetings / Barely)

A welcome return from Montréal emo/math rockers Gulfer and ‘Greetings‘ is such a sweet jam. Released to coincide with ten years of Gulfer, the anthemic number encapsulates what the Canadians are all about. Twiddle-guitar heaven.


MJ Lenderman – Under Control
(Boat Songs)

Dinosaur Jr meets The Eagles meets Van Morrison, mixed up in a country blender vibe from Asheville, North Carolina’s MJ Lenderman, last seen on these very pages with one of our favourite singles this year, ‘You Have Bought Yourself A Boat‘.

Ghost Car – Sex
(Truly Trash)

It’s a Ghost Car! Debut album out this October on One Little Independent Records via Southerners Ghost Car, with lead single ‘Sex‘ going full on pop through a punk filter. Old school synth channelling DEVO, but there’s a bit of Elvis Costello in there too.

Claimed Choice – Make It Right
(We Won’t Give In)

Killer French OI punk to kick you right up the derrière. Namechecking Slade in their write-up (!), Claimed Choice absolutely smash it on the opener from a new mini-album. Energetic as fook.

Poison Ruïn – Parade of Phantoms
(Not Today, Not Tomorrow)

First thing that hits you about Poison Ruïn is the unbelievably nails artwork for their releases – their debut full length providing Dungeons & Dragons realness in the artwork department. Then there’s the fuzzy, lo-fi burst of old school punk and hardcore. From latest release ‘Not Today, Not Tomorrow‘, it only takes the opening riff on ‘Parade of Phantoms‘ to know you’re in safe hands.

Reuben – Let’s Stop Hanging Out
(Racecar Is Racecar Backwards)

Who knew eh? Jamie Lenman and friends had the chops all along. Well, turns out everyone knew, but it wasn’t until July that I really tucked in myself (I know…) An instant love though and it’s no shock given how revered they were. So much so, they’ve just announced the deluxe re-issue of their debut release ‘Pilot‘ (before they changed their name to Reuben)! Incredible closing stretch.

Jonathan Richman – Since She Started To Ride
(Jonathan Goes Country)

Proper Ronseal affair this – Jonathan did indeed go ‘Country‘ back in 1990, adding in a rootin-tootin twang to his charming style. All about a cow-girl who’s more keen on horses than she is geezers. Standard.


Panic Shack – The Ick
(Baby Shack)

Mega riff on this one from Welsh quartet Panic Shack, first heard by these very ears when we caught them at 2000 Trees Festival just last month. All about the nail in the coffin and being given ‘The Ick‘ from prospective partners that don’t live up to expectations. An outfit that formed as an affront to the music industry being a “members-only club at the best of times, a phallocracy at the worst“.

OSEES – A Foul Form
(A Foul Form)

As much as one loves the mind-expanding 8+ minute psych odysseys Thee Oh Sees like to explore on occasion, I’m a lot more stoked on their current crop of sub-2 minute rippers. Title track from their brilliant new record ‘A Foul Form‘, it’s Dwyer trading in goblin vocals for hoarse punk shouting and man, it’s just the ticket.

X – Your Phone’s Off The Hook, But You’re Not
(Los Angeles)

Raging little number from LA punks X with the brilliantly titled ‘Your Phone’s Off The Hook, But You’re Not‘, opener from their debut LP ‘Los Angeles‘. Powerhouse performance from vocalist Exene Cervenka!

Inu – フェイド アウト

Full-pelt, infectious 80s punk out of Japan with a can’t-stop manic vocal that gets right under your skin. Google translate tells us the band name in English roughly means ‘Dog‘ and one can’t help but feel the frantic nature of the track mirrors the energetic feel of man’s best friend.

Like what you see? Why not stick around and check out the other articles and interviews!
Don’t forget to follow Birthday Cake For Breakfast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

Listening Post – July 2022


Words: Andy Hughes (Photo Credit: Duncan Wright)

Every month we put together this wee playlist of 20 of our favourite tracks from the past 30+ days and we’re always stoked for people to get involved with what we’ve been listening to. This month in particular is a real doozy, let me tell you. Oh boy.

From 70s German synth-punk to Mancunian weirdo-rock, big booming disco beats to heart-swelling nostalgic pop and heaps more.

Tell your mates, tell your Mum (phone your Mum), and get it liked and shared. Yee-Haw!

Deliluh – Body and Soul
(Fault Lines)

Another belter from forward-thinking Canadian duo Deliluh, now based in Europe, who excel in building tension throughout their latest record, ‘Fault Lines‘ (reviewed here). Lead single ‘Body and Soul‘ is a brain-melter – all encompassing, the vocal of Kyle Knapp captivating against the frantic instrumental and punctuating thuds.

DAF – Der Räuber Und Der Prinz
(Alles Ist Gut)

This is absolutely the ticket. A hypnotic and unnerving wonky opening makes way for head-fuck whispering amongst the various whistles, clinks, clanks and bell clangs. From on the pulse 70s outfit D.A.F. (Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft), it’s clear to hear just how influential the German duo were.

Stella Donnelly – Lungs

-seen in a crowd they create an optical illusion, but on its own it’s this singular piece of art.” So says Aussie artist Stella Donnelly of her forthcoming album ‘Flood‘, its 11 tracks reflecting the story behind the album art of Banded Stilts, a native bird of Australia. Lead single ‘Lungs‘ follows 2019 album ‘Beware of the Dogs‘ and features more in the way of Donnelly’s heavenly vocal and wicked songwriting.

Die! Die! Die! – Never Tire Looking At The Sun
(This Is Not An Island Anymore)

Ripper territory from New Zealand lot Die! Die! Die! from their latest album ‘This Is Not An Island Anymore‘, out earlier this year. Three minutes of ear assault, ‘Never Tire Looking At The Sun‘ barely lets up as the trio hit out full pelt, adding a wigging out Tenor Sax into the mix for a proper noisy attack.

Cumgirl8 – Dumb Bitch

New out this year from the winners of the coveted Birthday Cake For Breakfast band name of 2022, ‘Dumb Bitch‘ is a hypnotising, dancey punk banger from a quartet of New Yorkers who clearly don’t give two fucks. Part of the Suicide Squeeze ‘Pinks & Purples Digital Singles Series‘.

On the name, the band call it like they see it – from their Bandcamp: “As soon as cumgirl8 began exploring the artistic possibilities of fusing the URL world with in-the-flesh performances, the assholes had to come in and ban them from social media platforms because of their name. Puritans, TERFS, and homophobes always find a way to impose their bullshit on the gender outlaws and sexual provocateurs of our times. Well, cumgirl8 has had enough of the archaic mores and narrow-minded values.


P.E. – Blue Nude (Reclined)
(The Leather Lemon)

I still have fond memories of a winter evening in January 2019 watching PILL in the basement of The Peer Hat. The New Yorkers split not long after, with some of its numbers moving on to form new outfit P.E. From their second album, ‘The Leather Lemon‘, out this year on Wharf Cat Records, the groove-tastic ‘Blue Nude (Reclined)‘ is a total trip, lit up with bursts of brass and the engrossing vocal of Veronica Torres. Elsewhere on the album, you’ll even find a guest appearance from New York royalty, Andrew Savage of Parquet Courts!

Preoccupations – Ricochet

I think it’s fair to say they’re back! Sadly not a cover of the brilliant album track of the same name from David Bowie’sLet’s Dance‘, instead the new one from Preoccupations is an urgent earworm reminiscent of their 2016 self-titled full length. Hard not to hang on every impassioned word of vocalist Matt Flegel.

Gruff Rhys – Seeking New Gods
(Seeking New Gods)

A swish number from cult Welsh artist Gruff Rhys, the title track from the rather wonderful 2021 full length ‘Seeking New Gods‘ (reviewed here). An absolute heart-stopper and the very essence of warmth in a track, from a record inspired by the Paektu Mountain, which allowed Gruff to mythologize his own sonic mountain to clamber up.

Wombo – Backflip
(Fairy Rust)

A return to the blog from Kentucky trio Wombo, ‘Backflip‘ goes here there and everywhere, with a Cate Le Bon-ish vocal against a raging math meets post-punk meets psychedelic vibe. From a forthcoming new album influenced by fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Anderson, naturally.

Empath – Elvis Comeback Special

Favourite Youtube clip? Elvis on his last legs, letting it all hang out and absolutely ripping it up in Rapid City, South Dakota (yee-haw!) Shoehorning it in (allow it), have you heard this one from Philly quartet Empath? A proper fuzzy, heart-swelling joyous pop song!


Everything Everything – CUT UP!
(Raw Data Feel)

Big fight feel in the chorus of this as vocalist Jon Higgs reels off a list of all those who told him what would happen if he clicks/is ‘CUT UP!’ From the meat head to Kevin to the ‘Pizza Boy‘, just ludicrously good stuff from Everything Everything, taken from their terrific new record ‘Raw Data Feel‘ (reviewed here).

Sweet Baboo – Hopeless

It’s been a good few years since we last heard from Sweet Baboo in a solo capacity (5 years by all accounts!) Like putting on a favourite shirt you found in the back of the closet, it’s a joy to have him back. A real swell lounge affair, with that heart-melting vocal we’ve come to love from the Welsh troubadour, it comes inspired by the likes of Stereolab, Tropicália and Paul Simon and is hopefully an indicator of more new music to come.

OSEES – Perm Act
(A Foul Form)

More new music from OSEES, taken from their forthcoming ode to gnarly punk bands of old. Latest single ‘Perm Act’ sees vocalist JPD stretching out that goblin voice of his, whilst the double drumming of Paul Quattrone and Dan Rincon steals the show.


Featuring the combined efforts of current and former members of PINS, Girls Names and September Girls, the new one from box fresh outfit GRAVE GOODS is a proper bit of kit. Revved up gnarly noise, destined for a moody, dimly lit basement venue.

GRAVE GOODS talked us through their new single just the other day, which you can read about here.

Narrow Head – T.W.I.N.

Late last year we were lucky enough to catch Narrow Head in a support slot up the road at YES in Manchester, where they blew the headliners out of the water. Their first release via tastemakers Church Road Records, ‘T.W.I.N.‘ is a Deftones-esque ripper that signals good things to come!


Du Blonde – Live Wire

Kicking off a series of forthcoming demos, unreleased tracks, instrumentals, experiments and more – released outside of studio albums – London based artist Du Blonde has just dropped this 100 second rocker. Coming fresh off 2021 full length ‘HOMECOMING‘, it’s the classic bright music / sad lyrics scenario, the theme of the anthemic ‘Live Wire‘ being to hide away and “lay in the basement alone“.

The Birthmarks – Royal Youns

Bloody lot of talent coming out of Manchester you know! Not content with putting out the much loved ‘Nude With Demon‘ this year (as The Web of Lies), Irma Vep teams up with players from the likes of Aldous RH, Sex Hands and Lovvers for this ace bit of unhinged weirdo rock, channelling the likes of DRINKS and Terry under the collective moniker of The Birthmarks. Well good.

Kiwi Jr. – Unspeakable Things

On their 2021 album ‘Cooler Returns‘, we suggested Kiwi Jr combined the sounds of Dylan, The Byrds and Jonathan Richman with the vibe of a Wes Anderson flick. The recently announced ‘Chopper‘ (out August on Sub Pop) seems to have more of a romantic, longing feel to it, though new single ‘Unspeakable Things‘ (supposedly written whilst watching “prestige tv drama” ‘Justified‘), still shows they’ve got that sun-soaked, anthemic style in the bag.

Warmduscher – Twitchin’ In The Kitchen
(At The Hotspot)

It’s not something I’m normally arsed about, but I’ve found myself devouring Glastonbury highlights this year, lapping up everything from Confidence Man to Black Midi to Roisin Murphy. Notorious disco daddies Warmduscher were a vibe all of their own, bringing early morning sleaze to a sunny afternoon in the field, with the raucous ‘Twitchin’ In The Kitchen‘ particularly capturing our attention. So much so we had to include it here!

Cassels – Charlie Goes Skiing
(A Gut Feeling)

Chipping Norton’s finest Cassels returned earlier this year with the nails ‘A Gut Feeling‘, an album we suggested istheir best record by a country mile.Charlie Goes Skiing‘ is a noisy ripper make no mistake, the sibling duo proper putting in a shift, taking it to explosive, ear-destroying heights.

Earlier this year, the pair talked us through the track ‘Your Humble Narrator‘, which you can read about here!

Like what you see? Why not stick around and check out the other articles and interviews!
Don’t forget to follow Birthday Cake For Breakfast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

Listening Post – June 2022

Logan Feser

Words: Andy Hughes (Photo Credit: Logan Feser)

Hello to you, dear music enthusiast – Can you Adam-and-believe we’re almost at half time on 2022. It’s enough to make you want to cry into your pillow. Don’t fret, mind – we’ve got a soundtrack for your sobbing, some sounds for your sorrow in the form of our regular monthly playlist!

20 tunes, old and new, all right here – from snotty Aussie punk to hypnotic art-pop, sprightly indie to sun-soaked hip-hop and more.

Tell your friends. Tell your co-workers. Give it a like, give it a share and most importantly, give it a listen!

LUMP – We Cannot Resist

Kids on the run“! Driving through the idyllic Welsh countryside at the start of last month, the latest collaborative efforts of Laura Marling and Mike Lindsay (Tunng), collectively known as LUMP, provided the perfect soundtrack. The galloping ‘We Cannot Resist‘ seemed to propel the car on a cloud, such is the vibe to this swell bit of art-pop.

Metronomy – You Could Easily Have Me
(Pip Paine (Pay The £5000 You Owe))

I was a bit of a late starter when it came to Metronomy, playing catch up not long after the release of their opus, ‘Metronomy Forever‘. Whilst I’m a keeno and a quick learner, watching them live the other month, I was mesmerised by this gnarly cut from their debut, ‘Pip Paine (Pay The £5000 You Owe)‘. Amped up in a live setting to sound 10x more invigorating, it sounded like a completely different band. Opener from their debut album. Of course it was.

The Chats – 6L GTR

Snotty punks The Chats know how to nail the theme of a song. Breakout single ‘SMOKO‘ was a blunt piece on being left alone on your ciggy break. ‘Pub Feed‘ meanwhile was an eloquent little toe-tapper about scranning at the local watering hole. Taken from their forthcoming new album (already the winner of the best album title of the year), their latest, ‘6L GTR’ is – you guessed it – a revved up rager about driving about in the motor. Catchy as fuck.

Rubber Oh – Nothing
(Strange Craft)

Taking a wee break from producing whatever it is Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs are up to at the minute, guitarist and producer Sam Grant has shifted gears from crushing heaviness to tripped out, space themed mind-expansion for his solo outfit Rubber Oh, with recent single ‘Nothing’ adding a bit of a glam rock stomp into the mix.

Lead man Grant recently talked us through the keeping-it-in-the-family keyboard solo for ‘Hyperdrive Fantasy‘, which you can read about here.

promo shot

(Photo credit: Fahim Kassam)

Crack Cloud – Please Yourself
(Tough Baby)

Fair play – it feels like a very Crack Cloud thing to do to name their album ‘Tough Baby‘… Mid-May saw the shape-shifting Canadian collective announce the hotly tipped follow up to their incredible debut album proper, ‘PAIN OLYMPICS‘. Following on the anthemic vibe of ‘THE NEXT FIX‘, latest single ‘Please Yourself‘ is pure hypnosis, building to such transcendent highs. And then that choice guitar solo takes off.

Black Midi – Welcome To Hell

What is it about second albums? The tired trope of the difficult second album seems to have shifted somewhat and in recent years I’ve found myself gravitating to artists whose first records I couldn’t get on with, subsequently falling head over heels for the follow up (Amyl and The Sniffers and Shame being notable examples).

Having been mildly obsessed with Black Midi’sCavalcade’ since its release this time last year, the recently released ‘Welcome To Hell‘ has had us grinning from ear to ear with its Primus meets Cardiacs madness. With a press release that highlights Homer’s visit to Hell in The Simpsons and robot Hell in Futurama as reference points, we’re totally on board.

OSEES – Funeral Solution
(A Foul Form)

A mere 24 hours after having our socks rocked off by them at Manchester’s Albert Hall, OSEES announced the release of forthcoming new album ‘A Foul Form‘ (out August on Castle Face Records) via their head-splitting new single, ‘Funeral Solution‘. A 10 song album nod of the head to the punk outfits they grew up on, the lead single sets out their stall in frantic, crushing fashion.

Ovlov – Strokes

Shades of Dinosaur Jr. on this solid bit of kit from Connecticut’s Ovlov, capturing that jangle guitar sound and hair-standing-on-the-back-of-the-neck energy to make ‘Strokes‘ sound like an instance classic. Adding in a Mascis trademark style ripper of a guitar solo for good measure, at just over 2 minutes it’s made for playing again and again.

Spread Joy – Repetition

Writing about Spread Joy last year, we suggested “most of the best songs are in and out within 60 seconds. 120 seconds at a push…” Since then, a second album has followed, with the energetic ‘Repetition‘ skirting in just below the 2 minute mark (phew!) Catchier than an outfielder at a baseball game, the Chicago quartet know how to pack so much glee into such a swift package.

Everything Everything – Pizza Boy
(Raw Data Feel)

Who would’ve thought that reeling off the names of two soft drink giants would lead to one of Everything Everything‘s most memorable songs in recent years. As addictive as the sugary black liquid they sing of in the chorus, the double-clap happy ‘Pizza Boy’ is a total dancefloor joy and an instant favourite from their latest album, ‘Raw Data Feel‘.

Raw Data Feel‘ – reviewed here!


Young Fathers – GET UP

HUGE one from Scottish lot Young Fathers, taken from their critically acclaimed, Mercury Prize winning debut album ‘DEAD’. Captivating in the extreme, that beat and chorus are so engaging and instant, with each verse from the trio stopping you in your tracks.

Django Django – Default
(Django Django)

Many blessings for a ten year anniversary or I might’ve missed this. Having never dipped a toe into the Django Django pool, I was very recently completely transfixed by the wonderful ‘Default‘ from their debut, self-titled album. Calling to mind the kind of wonky pop we’ve come to love from Dutch Uncles and Everything Everything, maybe 10 years isn’t too late to play catch up?

Weird Nightmare – Nibs
(Weird Nightmare)

METZ vocalist Alex Edkins goes it alone on his solo debut, adding anthemic to his repertoire, whilst still holding onto that fuzzy gnarliness from his day job fronting the Canadian trio. ‘Nibsis a total joy, Edkins really getting under your skin in a snappy two and a bit minutes.

Edkins recently gave us the lowdown on the single ‘Lusitania‘, which you can read about here!

Dinosaur Pile-Up – Draw A Line
(Nature Nurture)

Around the time of re-discovering this poster from a festival way back when, I decided to grab ‘Nature Nurture‘ from the swelling record collection in our living room, which was effectively like hopping into a time machine. This from Dinosaur Pile-Up provides so many memories from way back when, the rapid ‘Draw A Line‘ capturing Bigland and co at their most memorable.

Dana Gavanski – Indigo Highway
(When It Comes)

Like the soundtrack to a dream, Canadian-Serbian artist Dana Gavanski evokes the work of Cate Le Bon and Kate NV on the delightful ‘Indigo Highway‘. Mildly oddball, from her latest album ‘When It Comes‘, the single is too pleasant not to love!

John Spyrou

(Photo Credit: John Spyrou)

WOOZE – Bittersweet Timpani

Leaning even heavier into the Sparks turned up to 11 sound, our favourite Londoners WOOZE once again knock it out of the park with their latest single, ‘Bittersweet Timpani‘. Guitar Hero chops, heavenly vocals and a bouncy-bouncy glam vibe have us once more shouting from the rooftops for Jamie She and Theo Spark.

Barney Artist & Mr Jukes – 93

Having released their terrific debut album ‘The Locket‘ during lockdown (an album we suggested is “the sound of two extremely talented songwriters coming together“), the dynamite collaboration between Mr Jukes (him out of Bombay Bicycle Club) and Barney Artist return with ‘93‘, a nod of the head to chilled hip hop of old. Name checking the likes of Phife Dawg, ‘93‘ is such a swell, summer-y delight from our favourite pairing.

Julia Jacklin – Lydia Wears A Cross

Having been bowled over by ‘Crushing‘ in 2019, what a treat it is to have Aussie Julia Jacklin back with a new album on the way this year. Lead single ‘Lydia Wears A Cross‘ is a nostalgic look back at Jacklin’s Catholic upbringing, captured beautifully with that passionate yet delicate vocal delivery we’ve come to love.


Almost a year to the day since its release, showers and grey skies last month had one in a reflective mood, looking back to a low key favourite release that may have slipped under the radar for some. ‘UNTOUCHABLE‘, the opener from N0V3L’s second LP ‘NON​-​FICTION‘, is a snapshot of the Crack Cloud offshoot, the pained vocal of vocalist Jon Varley keeping pace with the non-stop post-punk instrumental.

NON​-​FICTION‘ – reviewed here!

Hierophants – Shoemaker Levy 9
(Spitting Out Moonlight)

Geelong – of course! Following in the footsteps of our favourites GONZO and Vintage Crop, Aussie lot Hierophants have crafted a synth-heavy, wonky as hell ripper which has arse-shaker written all over it. Hella catchy, that drumbeat has one walking up and down the hallway like Vince McMahon, all flailing limbs and cocky swagger.

Like what you see? Why not stick around and check out the other articles and interviews!
Don’t forget to follow Birthday Cake For Breakfast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

Listening Post – May 2022

Sunrise, sunset. The year is moving at light speed, the start of 2022 a mere blip in the rearview. To settle your stomach a bit, we’ve got your usual fill of good music right here.

From our favourite baritone vocalist of the 60s to an 80s Japanese pop star, Belgium dance to African blues, contemporary alt-country to math-rock and even a star from the big screen!

Strap on your ear goggles, tell your mates and settle in.

Lee Hazlewood – It Was a Very Good Year

That cover with that album title. Forty was clearly a very good year for our Lee Hazlewood. The frequent collaborator of Nancy Sinatra borrowed one from her old man for his birthday album, adding a lot more pizzazz to the affair. Our favourite moustachioed man.

Alex Cameron – Oxy Music
(Oxy Music)

Like many works of art, ‘Oxy Music‘ – the latest release from quirky Aussie hitmaker Alex Cameron – took a number of listens to fully sink in. Peeling back the many layers, one finds pop bangers first and foremost, with discovery of side-splitting gags within, all underpinned by a lot of heartache. Featuring a turn from Sleaford Mods own Jason Williamson, the title track from Cameron’s latest record treads the highs and lows of addiction, packed full of exceedingly humorous lines (“I’m cooking up a codeine ragu“) whilst building to such a poignant ending.

Moon Diagrams – End of Heartache
(Lifetime of Love)

The solo project of Deerhunter co-founder/drummer Moses Archuleta, Moon Diagrams comes rooted in an 80s nostalgic sound. The dreamy ‘End of Heartache‘ is super hypnotic, captivating in its repetition as it swirls round and around your nut.

Taeko Onuki – Les Aventures de TINTIN

Bloody hell this is catchy stuff. Like Kate NV ahead of her, in 1985, Japanese artist Taeko Onuki crafted such wonderfully captivating wonky pop, ‘Les Aventures de TINTIN‘ very much rocking that it-is-1985 pop sound. Complete with a bass part so daft it sounds like something from a Tim and Eric sketch…


Charlotte Adigéry – Paténipat

If in life you feel tired and hopeless, throw out all the stuff that don’t matter in the end. Dance until you’re dizzy. Be your naked and uncompromising self.

That’s how Belgian-Caribbean artist Charlotte Adigéry set out the stall for her 2018 single ‘Paténipat‘, a proper sultry number that gets right under your skin.

Warmduscher – Lady Eggs
(Khaki Tears)

In the year of our lord 2022, the bodacious Warmduscher made their Bella Union debut with latest album ‘At The Hotspot‘. We were at their most recent Northern date (naturally) to hear it IRL and whilst there we couldn’t get enough of one of their earlier cuts, the haunted house thud that comes from ‘Lady Eggs‘.

Deerhoof – Your Dystopic Creation Doesn’t Fear You
(Mountain Moves)

Featuring Awkwafina?! Really?! The ‘Crazy Rich Asians‘ star lends a hand to Deerhoof, 20+ years into their being at the time of releasing ‘Mountain Moves‘. ‘Your Dystopic Creation Doesn’t Fear You‘ is a proper shapeshifter, moving from Steely Dan-esque yacht rock to a Missy Elliott style rap at the drop of a hat.

Caution – Hand That Looks Like Mine

From tastemakers Born Yesterday (Café Racer, Stuck) comes the debut album from two-piece Caution. Lead single ‘Hand That Looks Like Mine‘ pulls together that surf-rock meets shoegaze vibe in sun-soaked, delightful fashion as your heart tries to keep up with the drum machine beat.


Andy Pickett – Paid
(Andy Pickett)

BIG tune from White Denim collaborator Andy Pickett and his 2017 self-titled album. The driving ‘Paid‘ is such a total vibe. We’re talking driving at night, eyes on the clock, somewhere to be – all wrapped up in such a swish package.

Donna Thompson – Matchstick
(Something True)

Known for her drumming chops and working alongside Falle Nioke, as well as collaborations as part of influential DIY music space Total Refreshment Centre (home to the manic Snapped Ankles), Donna Thompson has now self-recorded and produced her solo debut EP. Lead single ‘Matchstick‘ flows through dreamy cinematic jazz as Thompson speaks of daily life and taking things for granted.

MJ Lenderman – You Have Bought Yourself A Boat
(Boat Songs)

From an album that’s said to be built around songs that “chase fulfilment and happiness”, the warming ‘You Have Bought Yourself A Boat‘ has become a real earworm of late, bringing a country twang to a Dylan-meets-Whitney sound. Strong visions of stretching out on the porch and letting Lenderman’s voice wash over.

Gustaf – Best Behaviour
(Audio Drag For Ego Slobs)

Yes, Gustaf are from New York. Can you tell? ‘Best Behaviour‘ is a brilliant, snarky bit of dancey post-punk that calls to mind their hometown contemporaries Bodega and Public Practice. Love that just about holding it together vocal as Lydia Gammill unconvincingly lets us know that everything’s peachy.

Oldboy – Big Balls

HOO! HAH! “They didn’t want to be a two piece – lightning bolt have that covered” – Love that from the press release for newcomers Oldboy. The raging ‘Big Balls‘ comes from their Jonah Falco produced debut album ‘Bloody‘, out early May on Agitated Records, with the raw attack of their first single very much in our wheelhouse.


Oumou Sangaré – Wassulu Don

Released to coincide with International Women’s Day just gone, Oumou Sangaré’sWassulu Don‘ is a proper blues-y arse-shaker, fronted with a powerhouse vocal that gets the head nodding no doubt. From the album ‘Timbuktu‘, it marks her first new material since 2017’s ‘Mogoya‘.

A-Tota-So – Squirrel Bait
(Lights Out)

Featuring a number of guest vocalists from the UK and Irish music scene, ‘Lights Out‘ sees Nottingham trio a-tota-so add another dimension to their instrumental sound. Kieran Hayes of Irish trio We Come In Pieces offers a hand on the raging ‘Squirrel Bait‘, bringing a further sense of urgency to the math-rock noodling.

Tyler Messick – I’ve Been Away
(Sun’s Gonna Rise)

Absolute stunner of a ditty from Nova Scotia’s Tyler Messick, dreamily singing of leaving and not coming back, letting the grass grow and the shutters stay down. That chorus is heaven, the type that has you singing it halfway through your first listen, like you’ve known it all your life.

Meat Wave – Honest Living

Following their 2021 EP ‘Volcano Park‘, Chicago trio Meat Wave return in explosive fashion via the full-pelt ‘Honest Living‘, their first for Swami Records (run by Rocket From The Crypt/Hot Snakes bod Swami John Reis). With a full LP to be announced later this year, we’re putting this on again and again, vibing off their don’t-stop-not-even-once mentality.

Simon Love – Me and You
(Love, Sex and Death Etc)

A proper earworm this, so it is, ‘Me and You‘ is a love letter to The Beatles, The Beach Boys and romantic ditties of old. The only song in the playlist that references a “local borough council“, the brass and chimes elevate this Simon Love number to dizzying heights.

From the same album, Simon Love very recently took us on a nostalgic trip with ‘L-O-T-H-A-R-I-O‘, which you can read about here.

Ty Segall – Hello, Hi
(Hello, Hi)

Well Hello and Hi to Ty Segall, who’s just announced the release of a new album pencilled in for this summer! Hot on the heels of ‘Harmonizer‘ from last year, we’re told that for the new record, Ty has cooked up a collection of songs that are a nod of the head to the sound last heard on the likes of ‘Goodbye Bread‘. On title track ‘Hello, Hi‘, he brings that sun-soaked, fuzzy guitar attack we’ve come to adore. Well on for this! 

Ibibio Sound Machine – 17 18 19

From their latest album, the Hot Chip produced ‘Electricity‘, the wild ‘17 18 19‘ is such an energetic dance-floor filler from Ibibio Sound Machine. Elevated as ever by the striking vocal of Eno Williams, she brings it down in parts – like it’s just you and her in the room – to stress the points of not breaking a promise (“it’s like breaking a mirror“), before letting loose as the band turn up the heat!


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