This One Song… Kino Motel on Ran Right Through Dead Land

Tell you what – we love hearing from artists when things go right. We equally love hearing from artists when things go dreadfully wrong. A song that was a piece of piss, written in 20 minutes? Or years in the making and a bastard to write?

Whether it’s a song that came together through great duress or one that was smashed out in a short amount of time, we’re getting the lowdown from some of our favourites on the one song that they can’t stop thinking about – in their own words.

Our old mate Ed Fraser returns to these pages, this time accompanied by the brilliant Rosa Mercedes as part of their ‘Beach Goth‘ duo, Kino Motel. Their debut album ‘Visions‘ is out now via Beast Records (EU) and Heart of the Rat Records (AUS) and from it, Ed and Rosa talk us through the closer, ‘Ran Right Through Dead Land‘. Take it away, Kino Motel

Kino Motel_Press Pic 2_by RC Stills

Words: Andy Hughes (Photo Credit: RC Stills)

Ed Fraser: “I’ve played in heavy bands for most of my musical life, and while I do still love heavy music I reached a point a few years ago where I wanted to move away from playing it. Kino Motel offers me the chance to play with space and production, write songs differently, and also gives me the ability to work a lot more with dynamics and play a bunch of instruments I don’t usually get to play. Rosa, the other half of Kino Motel, is really a creative being, she has this ability to pick up an instrument and do something with it I never would have thought to do, I think ‘Ran Right Through Dead Land‘ is a good example of both of us just picking things up and seeing where they take us.

Rosa Mercedes: “The way we’ve been writing so far is one of us will sit with the seed of a song and make a start. Usually the words and the feelings are there, but it might just be some verses and maybe some catchy parts that will later become a hook or repeat. Eddie began this song, and right away it was an expansive, lonely song full of quiet and humility. This is a part of Eddie that I have always admired and connected to right away. Instruments and chords were already arranged spaciously around a heavy feeling; there was an absense of judgement or linear solutions. I just wandered around in that space he created with the bass – I played for ages until I landed on something we both liked.

Ed: “We recorded at Head Gap near our home in Melbourne, and mixed in Melbourne, and finally also finished the mixes in Bristol between European tours last year. There’s a bunch of different instruments on ‘Ran Right Through Dead Land‘ – the main arpeggiated synth you hear throughout is an early 80s Roland SH-101 we use on a lot of our songs. The SH-101 was originally supposed to be a keytar I believe, but apparently it didn’t sell well and was a bit of a failure until all these Acid DJs in the 90s realised it has incredible bass, and now they’re pretty sought after. We got lucky as I found this particular SH-101, never used, under a huge pile of old magazines while I was building a vinyl library for an LP hoarder in Berlin, but that’s another story for another time I guess. In the first verse there are these ambient synth lines you can hear which are also done on the SH-101, that’s all Rosa and her ability to make these great out-of-the-blue melodies, and I love the way the melodies bounce off the vocals. 

There’s also a grand piano in there, plus an old Juno 106. The guitars are all played through a vintage Hammond Leslie, it gives them all this nice chorus-y thing. I also wanted to play with space so I used a lot of guitar jangly stuff to help create the atmosphere we were looking for. Our friend Joel Penman played great drums throughout. And another good mate of ours, Thomy Sloane, plays some beautiful bow guitars in there too. I think this song really rewards a good listen on headphones as there is so much going on with the production, and you get to really hear the layers and the depth of it all when those headphones are on. Finally, some of my absolute favourite parts in ‘Ran Right Through Dead Land‘ are all of Rosa’s bass lines. The bass is played in such an easy way, the lines are really spacious, and very tactfully and artfully done. I think without these bass lines this song wouldn’t really work.

Rosa: “We ended up with some spare time on the last day of recording at Head Gap. That place is full of gorgeous instruments, and we thought we might as well have a go on them all. Eddie had kept his piano playing days pretty quiet until now, but he sat down at a grand piano and started playing these sweet chords and embellishments all around the song. I hadn’t ever really heard him play the piano before, and it gave me a huge kick. I couldn’t stop laughing as jazzy little notes kept pouring out of him. We didn’t use it in the end, but there’s a version of this song out there in the ether that is kind of Tom Waits in a saloon bar circa ‘Closing Time‘ and I can still hear it now.

Ed: Kino Motel is really heavily influenced by wide-open spaces. Rosa and I spend lots of time driving around Australia in a van, and I think this permeates the music. The colours of Australian landscapes stay in your head for weeks after you leave, in a way the outback influences you whether you want it to or not. Along with the open space, people often also tell us our music is very cinematic, and that’s definitely something we lean into when writing the songs. To me, ‘Ran Right Through Dead Land‘ feels like the theme to a film that doesn’t exist. Lyrically the song is about death, and trying to deal with and understand the death of people I love.

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Hey, have you heard about…KINO MOTEL

(Photo Credit: Larry LaJoliet)

Cinematic is definitely a term you could use to describe Ed Fraser’s noise-rock outfit HEADS., though perhaps the style of cinema would be more unnerving and tense, leaning toward horror and the you-don’t-wanna-know sides of life. When we reviewed their latest record ‘Push’ (out via Glitterhouse Records), we suggested that at times it can stir up “a cocktail of feelings – pensive, agitated, excited“.

His new outfit KINO MOTEL is equally cinematic, though more on the wavelength occupied by the likes of Baxter Dury and The Last Shadow Puppets, thanks in part to the striking strings and hypnotic rumble that permeates the duration of their debut single.

Unlike the often gritted teeth delivery in his other outfit, KINO MOTEL (dubbed by the band as “grit pop“) sees Fraser working with Rosa Mercedes, the vocals of both intertwining for entrancing results. The duo definitely call to mind the work of Dury and his glamorous sounding instrumentals, broken up by an almost spoken word vocal delivery that covers up a grittiness and a sense that not all is well.

Sure enough, debut single ‘Waves‘ – written together over the course of one week in a cheap Bangkok hotel – was inspired by an alleged intense experience they had whilst in Thailand last year, one which the song suggests left them feeling trapped and needing to find a way out.

The video (directed by both Fraser and Mercedes) captures the vibe perfectly – A mini-movie, just shy of 4 minutes, taking in the sights of Bangkok and balancing a fine line between masterpiece cinema and shlocky fighting films (both just as appealing as the other). Take yourself to their socials and you can even find promotional mock-ups that add even more aesthetic pleasure.

I would have wanted to hear more from this new pairing regardless, but now we’ve been introduced to ‘The Boss‘ and ‘Cici‘, i’ll be eagerly anticipating the next instalment! ‘Waves‘ is the first of five parts, so keep your eyes peeled for what’s to come!

Like what you see? Why not stick around and check out the other articles and interviews!
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a/s/l: HEADS.

Remember the days of the old schoolyard? Remember when Myspace was a thing? Remember those time-wasting, laborious quizzes that everyone used to love so much? Birthday Cake For Breakfast is bringing them back! 

Every couple of weeks, an unsuspecting band will be subject to the same old questions about dead bodies, Hitler, crying and crushes.  

This Week: Ed Fraser, vocalist, guitarist – and by the sounds of it, basketball player – in noisy outfit HEADS.

Words: Andy Hughes
(Photo Credit: Basti Grim)

As old as time itself / yes necessary for survival of species / Melbourne.

Have you ever seen a dead body?

Who is your favourite Simpsons character?
Moe the bartender. So much depth of character, so little compromise.

What T-Shirt are you wearing?
It’s brown and beautiful with a giant hole in the front where I very recently snagged it real good on a door handle.

What did your last text message say?
Absolutely! See ya at Alv’s joint at 7 big fella

What’s the last song you listened to?
IdlesGrounds’. I really enjoyed it. Video is great too.

How did you meet the people in your band?
Craigslist Berlin, true story.

What’s the first record you bought?
Brian AdamsWaking Up The Neighbours’. I thought he was rebellious haha.

What was your favourite VHS growing up?
Dazzling Dunks & Basketball Bloopers’, quality stuff.

When was the last time you cried?
When I hit this sweet three pointer at the buzzer.

Have you ever kissed someone & regretted it?
No regrets.

Best Physical Feature?
Jumpshot, when it’s on.

Worst physical feature?
Left-handed layup.

Reasonably ok/not bad feature that you’re not fussed about?
Free throws.

Do you have any pets?
Not at the moment. Too much travelling usually.

Ever picked up any injuries on tour?
I fell off stages in both Adelaide and Hobart on the same tour and mangled my wrist up. And in 2018 I toured Europe with a freshly dislocated kneecap. I couldn’t do any cool moves on stage but I also didn’t have to load any gear, so it was great.

What did you do for your last birthday?
Went walking in the bush, mid-corona.

Name something you CANNOT wait for?
Playing shows again.

Do you have a crush on someone?
I got one on you now pal. (Woof! – Ed)

What’s the shittest experience you’ve had as a musician?
Waking up in pitch darkness on a concrete floor, locked inside this warehouse venue in Brussels, mid-winter after a large after-show party with USA Nails. It was cold and confusing.

If you could go back in time, how far would you go?
All over. Lots to see.

How do you want to die?
Gorging myself to death on delicious foods.

What’s your favourite thing about pizza?
Oh everything.

What are you craving right now?
Now a pizza.

Have you ever been on a horse?
I was born on a horse.

What did you dream about last night?
It was something to do with Joe Pesci and Las Vegas but it’s gone now, into the haze.

If you could go back in time and kill the baby Hitler, would you?
No. But I would teach baby Hitler to be nice. Get myself hired as his nanny and then get to work. This really feels like the plot of a tv show, did I steal that?

Do you like Chinese food?
Oh yes.

Have you ever been on TV?
As a teenager I somehow managed to talk my way in and got my first band hired as the house band on a TV show called ‘Raucous’ on a community channel in Melbourne. It was kind of like Wayne’s World but way worse and way more Australian.

Ever meet someone famous?
In recent years at our shows I’ve been lucky to meet a number of musicians I really looked up to when I was young. That has honestly been a real buzz for me.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
I’m pretty content where I’m at right now.

HEADS. new album ‘PUSH’ is out now via Glitterhouse Records! Grab a copy (or two) here! You can also read our review right here!

Like what you see? Why not stick around and check out the other articles and interviews!
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