a/s/l: Thee Alcoholics

Remember the days of the old schoolyard? Remember when Myspace was a thing? Remember those time-wasting, laborious quizzes that everyone used to love so much? Birthday Cake For Breakfast is bringing them back! 

Every couple of weeks, an unsuspecting band will be subject to the same old questions about dead bodies, Hitler, crying and crushes.  

This Week: Off the back of releasing their latest single ‘Baby I’m Your Man, from their forthcoming debut album ‘Feedback’ (out February via Rocket Recordings), Jess Beechey of southern lot Thee Alcoholics answers a series of inane questions!


Words: Andy Hughes (Photo Credit: Suzi Corker)


Have you ever seen a dead body?

Who is your favourite Simpsons character?
Hans Moleman
– I strongly relate.

What T-Shirt are you wearing?
A green Stone Club t-shirt.

What did your last text message say?

What’s the last song you listened to?
Wszyscy zdechniemy (Bydlo) by Ciśnienie.

How did you meet the people in your band?
Friends of friends and friends of friends of friends.

What’s the first record you bought?
Aphex Twin
Selected Ambient Works 85-92. I was late to the record buying game.

What was your favourite VHS growing up?
Called my dad to ask – Lion King and Pingu were on par.

When was the last time you cried?
On Wednesday whilst watching Godzilla Minus One.

Have you ever kissed someone & regretted it?
No regrets.

Best Physical Feature?

Worst physical feature?
Back (bad posture).

Reasonably ok/not bad feature that you’re not fussed about?
The rest of my body.

Do you have any pets?
A dog at home in Cornwall.

Ever picked up any injuries on tour?

What did you do for your last birthday?
Took a bunch of people to Cornwall, it rained the whole time.

Name something you CANNOT wait for?
Thee Alcoholics
tour & album release in February (plug plug plug).

Do you have a crush on someone?
A tonne of people – biggest crush on my boyfriend and Justin Hawkins.

What’s the shittest experience you’ve had as a musician?
No money, ever.

If you could go back in time, how far would you go?
Back to prehistoric times – I imagine there were less dickheads.

How do you want to die?
When I choose, in Switzerland.

What’s your favourite thing about pizza?
Everything about pizza, it’s the greatest food there is.

What are you craving right now?
A job.

Have you ever been on a horse?

What did you dream about last night?
I don’t dream.

If you could go back in time and kill the baby Hitler, would you?
Yes, no doubt. 

Do you like Chinese food?
When I can eat it (vegetarian).

Have you ever been on TV?
I don’t think so.

Ever meet someone famous?
Dawn French
told me she loved my hair.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Feedback’ is out February 23rd 2024 via Rocket Recordings – grab a pre-order of the record here!

Like what you see? Why not stick around and check out the other articles and interviews!
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Exclusive: “No hyperbole, one of the best UK bands from the early 2000s” – Wrong Speed Records announce new releases from Charlottefield and DRMCNT

Katie Carnie

Words: Andy Hughes (Photo Credit: Katie Carnie)

Even with a new music blog and – yes – a big beard, there are still times where I’m unfamiliar with a hip underground band. Hard to believe, I know.

9 times out of 10, getting an email from the team at Wrong Speed Records means we’re on the fast track to discovery, being introduced to another great band or two (or, usually, three).

A forward thinking label no mistake, even with another lonely Christmas looming and uncertainty heading into the new year, they’re marching on, with two new releases ready to go – one from back in the day, the other box fresh.

Due for release mid-late January 2022, direct via Bandcamp or through Cargo Distribution, pre-orders are up NOW and the sweet, limited run vinyl is all ready to go, to save you pressing plant woes. Full details and video exclusives are below!

Charlottefield – ‘Rose Of England’ (Live in Nottingham, December 1st 2007)

No hyperbole, one of the best UK bands from the early 2000s.

Jonson Family (the label ran by those behind Wrong Speed now) put out the debut release from Charlottefield, whilst Brighton based Fat Cat Records (home at one time or another to Tall Ships, The Twilight Sad and PAWS) handled the second album. Now in the forthcoming year of our lord 2022, things go full circle with Wrong Speed Records putting out their latest release.

A live album from way back when has recently been unearthed and we’re told, having been recorded and mixed by Ian Whitehead and mastered by Wayne Adams at Bear Bites Horse (naturally), it sounds better than either of the albums released. Recorded live at (you guessed it) The Rose Of England in Nottingham, label man Joe tells us that having heard it, he had to get it released.

True enough, ‘Snakes‘ – which you can have an exclusive go on above – sounds better than a lot of studio recordings, Charlottefield clearly tighter than my dogs jaw gets when he’s eaten something he’s not supposed to.


…How does it fit in with what Wrong Speed is? If you need to ask that you ain’t getting what this is all about.

That Rhys Llewellyn is a busy lad. When he’s not behind the kit in Hey Colossus or moonlighting as one of Thee Alcoholics, he’s flying solo as DRMCNT with just a humble Roland/Yamaha set up.

Early 2022 sees the release of the first full length DRMCNT album, following a number of 12″ releases on Gangsigns Records. Lead single ‘Negative Response‘ is of the thumping, mind-altering electronic variety. The story goes that Llewellyn sent the tunes on ‘RX-BOUNCES‘ to label man Joe with no clear intention identified, but Thompson couldn’t stop playing them and here we are. Fresh wax on the way.

Peep the eye-melting video above, produced by Chris Spalton, previously seen on these pages for the breath-taking ‘U Cowboy‘ from Hey Colossus.

Like what you see? Why not stick around and check out the other articles and interviews!
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Exclusive: WATCH ‘Assholes & Egos’ from Thee Alcoholics – Part of the Wrong Speed Records tape series

Off the back of last weeks announcement for the Wrong Speed Records cassette tape spectacular running through July, we’re chuffed up to announce tape #2 via an exclusive look at a new video from Thee Alcoholics!

Following ‘Burning Up The Night‘ from Fupper (available for five of your english), ‘Tape II‘ from Thee Alcoholics is available now – £5 or pay what you want digital!

More on Thee Alcoholics from label man Joe:

The first Alcoholics tape sold out in 24 hours. They went from no one knowing them to sold out instantly. Chuffed to be doing the second. I would have thought another label would have leapt at them, their loss. Tape II kills like the self-titled debut did. Fall / Chrome / Silver Apples style repetition meets Am-Rep-distorto-vocal noise rock. Bonus points for the horns on this, in places, from Colin Webster (Sex Swing), bringing that Stooges / Nation Of Ulysses squall that always announces the ruckus.

Rhys Llewellyn, drums from Hey Colossus, is the mastermind, you can hear that rhythmic swing. Makes you want to be at a basement show, 50 people, dark as hell, hot as hell, loud as hell. Makes you want to dance. Can you imagine No Fun, 1am, sweat pouring down the walls, that Godflesh-ian riff. God damn I should have made more than 50 of these. Don’t hesitate.

First IRL show is pencilled in for September 18th at The Windmill for The Smash It Out All Dayer – tickets here!

Like what you see? Why not stick around and check out the other articles and interviews!
Don’t forget to follow Birthday Cake For Breakfast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter