a/s/l: Thee Alcoholics

Remember the days of the old schoolyard? Remember when Myspace was a thing? Remember those time-wasting, laborious quizzes that everyone used to love so much? Birthday Cake For Breakfast is bringing them back! 

Every couple of weeks, an unsuspecting band will be subject to the same old questions about dead bodies, Hitler, crying and crushes.  

This Week: Off the back of releasing their latest single ‘Baby I’m Your Man, from their forthcoming debut album ‘Feedback’ (out February via Rocket Recordings), Jess Beechey of southern lot Thee Alcoholics answers a series of inane questions!


Words: Andy Hughes (Photo Credit: Suzi Corker)


Have you ever seen a dead body?

Who is your favourite Simpsons character?
Hans Moleman
– I strongly relate.

What T-Shirt are you wearing?
A green Stone Club t-shirt.

What did your last text message say?

What’s the last song you listened to?
Wszyscy zdechniemy (Bydlo) by Ciśnienie.

How did you meet the people in your band?
Friends of friends and friends of friends of friends.

What’s the first record you bought?
Aphex Twin
Selected Ambient Works 85-92. I was late to the record buying game.

What was your favourite VHS growing up?
Called my dad to ask – Lion King and Pingu were on par.

When was the last time you cried?
On Wednesday whilst watching Godzilla Minus One.

Have you ever kissed someone & regretted it?
No regrets.

Best Physical Feature?

Worst physical feature?
Back (bad posture).

Reasonably ok/not bad feature that you’re not fussed about?
The rest of my body.

Do you have any pets?
A dog at home in Cornwall.

Ever picked up any injuries on tour?

What did you do for your last birthday?
Took a bunch of people to Cornwall, it rained the whole time.

Name something you CANNOT wait for?
Thee Alcoholics
tour & album release in February (plug plug plug).

Do you have a crush on someone?
A tonne of people – biggest crush on my boyfriend and Justin Hawkins.

What’s the shittest experience you’ve had as a musician?
No money, ever.

If you could go back in time, how far would you go?
Back to prehistoric times – I imagine there were less dickheads.

How do you want to die?
When I choose, in Switzerland.

What’s your favourite thing about pizza?
Everything about pizza, it’s the greatest food there is.

What are you craving right now?
A job.

Have you ever been on a horse?

What did you dream about last night?
I don’t dream.

If you could go back in time and kill the baby Hitler, would you?
Yes, no doubt. 

Do you like Chinese food?
When I can eat it (vegetarian).

Have you ever been on TV?
I don’t think so.

Ever meet someone famous?
Dawn French
told me she loved my hair.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Feedback’ is out February 23rd 2024 via Rocket Recordings – grab a pre-order of the record here!

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Exclusive: WATCH ‘Easter 1 – 2.58’ from CG Summerlin – The latest tape release from Wrong Speed Records

When announcing the Wrong Speed Records tape series this month – you know, four releases throughout July with a video to boot every Wednesday – we spied a ‘Summerlin‘ in the listings and set ourselves up for something noisy, given Chris Summerlins time in Grey Hairs, Hey Colossus and Wolves of Greece.

The first offering from CG Summerlins new record ‘Easter‘ leads us to think we’re way off the mark. But then we’re used to being pleasantly surprised with every move made from Wrong Speed Records.

Off the back of new releases this month from Thee Alcoholics (‘Tape II‘), Fupper (‘Burning Up The Night‘) and TENCHPRESS (‘Potemkin Music‘), the fourth and final Wrong Speed Records tape release for July tackles Summerlin at his most stripped back, capturing his guitar work in a solo capacity. It’s available NOW – five squid for a tape, PWYW digital.

The video – filmed by Nancy Gibson and edited by Andy Gibson – is a nuts bit of footage, as hypnotising and captivating as the track laid down by Chris. See for yourself below, but first, some final words from label man Joe:

I first met Chris way back in the previous century (just), around 1998. In that time footballers have been born and played for their countries. In that time people have been trained to stare at their phones instead of the horizon. In that time Chris and I have musically circled around each other, from one band to another, before finally being in a band together 20 years after meeting.

In the year of 2006, I started and stopped a lathe cut label: Lone Hand Records. I released two 10″s, both cut by Peter King down there in New Zealand (Google him for stories of wildness). One was by Fupper and the other was by Chris – under his Last Of The Real Hardmen moniker.

Now in the year 2021, to release a Fupper tape and then follow it up, three weeks later, with Chris‘ new solo album is so god damn beautiful. Both Simon (Fupper) and Chris (CG Summerlin) are amongst a group of people I hold so dear. They are the musical underground this world needs. They are prime examples of playing music because they have to, they want to, they need to.

The CG Summerlin album, recorded over the Easter weekend of 2018, is silky. It’s late-night warmth and early morning pre-hot day mist. It’s other worldly. It looks killer, the art is by Dave Hand (Haress/Lancashire And Somerset Records/art for Supersonic Festival/and way more). I’m so pleased to be involved in releasing these albums. I hope you dig them. These people mean a lot to me.

Like what you see? Why not stick around and check out the other articles and interviews!
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Exclusive: Leeds lot TENCHPRESS join Wrong Speed Records for their July tape series – WATCH ‘Ten Best Vidic Tackles’ here!

Wellity wellity wellity, seems like the Wrong Speed Records July tape series is doing pretty well, eh? Thee AlcoholicsTape II‘ sold out in a day, whilst ‘Burning Up The Night‘ from Fupper is down to its last few copies! You know the score: Tapes are a fiver, downloads are pay what you want/can.

Tape #3 is described by label man Joe Thompson as “100% perfect for the weather“. He also had this to say:

Out of the blue this appeared. TENCHPRESS, based in Leeds, sent this through and it totally struck a chord. Somewhere between the Beta Band and The Rebel with the production skills of Kanye. I have no idea really. I just loved it. It was agreed to do a tape, so we did a tape”.

Potemkin Music‘ is the follow up to a digital only album, ‘Engine Common‘, released in December 2020. Self described as “raw in the same way a dog collar sore is raw, organic in the same way industrial sewage is organic“, in TENCHPRESS, Thompson appears to have unearthed a good’un.

Very fitting of the label, the incredibly engaging ‘Ten Best Vidic Tackles‘ is right at home on Wrong Speed and really doesn’t give you an indicator as to where it’s heading next (a bit like the label, eh!) Peep the new video below and be sure to grab a copy of the tape NOW!

Like what you see? Why not stick around and check out the other articles and interviews!
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Exclusive: Wrong Speed Records announce tape series – WATCH Fupper’s ‘Burning Up The Night’ from tape #1

When he’s not playing bass in Hey Colossus, Joe Thompson is writing books (or at least one book, but he should write more). When he’s not writing book(s), he’s interviewing people about records. When he’s not interviewing people about records (stick with me), he’s releasing records.

No stranger to putting out new releases, in 2020 he returned to the label game with new venture Wrong Speed Records (which we were chuffed to announce). The label is now a year into its life, having put out releases from his own band, as well as the likes of Sweet Williams and Part Chimp. To celebrate a year in the game, Thompson informed us he’s “doing what labels should be doing – releasing new music, as much as possible“.

As chuffed as we were to announce the labels first releases, we’re now beaming to announce that through the month of July, Wrong Speed are putting out six releases – Two LPs (Bass Clef and The Rebel) and four cassettes (Fupper, Thee Alcoholics, Tenchpress and CG Summerlin), the latter series being released one at a time each Wednesday throughout the month.

Every Wednesday in July, Birthday Cake For Breakfast will be your go-to for the news about each tape release, with visual stimulants on show via promotional videos and a bit of chat from label man Joe. How cool is that? Sink your teeth into the first announcement below – ‘Burning Up The Night‘ from Fupper, available to buy now – and let Joe guide you in.

I’ve known Fupper since the early 90s, we met at college. We bonded over lo-fi cassettes, K Records, Daniel Johnson, Galaxie 500, and Uncle Wiggly. We formed a band, Stanton. We started a label, Jonson Family.

Through all the years I’ve know Fupper he’s been recording four track, tape loop, outsider jams. He’s been releasing tape upon tape upon tape, with the occasional 12″ and CD chucked into the mix. He has a shed where he records everything. His dedication to the art is unparalleled. He’s the Jandek of repeato-lo-fi-tapeloop-dusty-atmospheric beautiful sounds. He records albums when everyone else is watching Netflix. He does not stop. And now Wrong Speed is a growing concern I had absolutely no doubts about getting him to start recording for the label.

We’ve made 50 tapes, the album is called Burning Up The Night, you can pay what you want for the download or pay £5 for the cassette. For me, as the label person, I’m naturally keen on getting the word out about music makers who I think need to be heard by people. Fupper is 100% that sort of person. His music is beautiful. His attitude is righteous. His take on how one goes about one’s business within music is entirely nailed on and correct. You play music because you love it. You record it because it’s in your blood. You don’t worry about anything else.

Like what you see? Why not stick around and check out the other articles and interviews!
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