Track By Track: Ora Cogan – Formless


Words: Andy Hughes (Photo Credit: Journey Mayeroff)

For experimental Canadian singer-songwriter Ora Cogan, making music seemed to be her destiny. Raised on the islands of Canada’s Pacific coast by a photojournalist and a musician, it’s said that her childhood home served as a professional recording studio and was a hub for a continual stream of artists coming through. Because of this, Cogan took on a number of influences during her formative years, from Ladino to American country.

Off the back of a wealth of releases, 2023 saw the release of her latest album ‘Formless‘, nine tracks of cinematic gothic country, driving post-punk and hazy folk, featuring a star turn from LANKUMs Cormac Mac Diarmada and a duet with Y La Bamba.

To coincide with the European release of ‘Formless‘ (out now via Prism Tongue), Cogan takes us through the album, track by track. Cogan is in Europe as we speak too and hits the UK at the end of the month – tickets and all the rest can be found here.

High Noon

About disillusionment with the cult of personality that exists in activism and art… How social media is designed to foster narcissism and disinformation and how cruel society is in so many ways.

Holy Hells

This song is maybe the most fun to play live because of all of the synchronization between everyone. This album is really meant for a full band… I can’t imagine playing most of these songs alone. 

This song, like most of the songs on this album, is about a lot of things. It’s all messy. I was mostly remembering my youth for this one… When I was a teen I’d crash at party houses in my guitar case sometimes. I used to sleep with a boot knife under my pillow just in case anyone tried anything… “Looking for the devil in a golden suit” is a tip of the hat to one of my fave artists out there, Mattress.

Feel Life

This song feels like another version of ‘Skull’ from ‘Bells in the Ruins’… It’s quite similar… It’s about seeing someone you love suffer, struggling to connect to life.

I think its the best rock song I’ve written. There’s nothing more painful then seeing someone you love suffer. The source of a lot of rage I guess.


I think David Parry is a bit of a genius with his little rhythm guitar part and the bass line he laid down for this guy. I played him the song in the studio and he was like… “I know what I want to do with this.”

I got the melody for the lead guitar probably from listening to too much JJ Cale. It kinda feels like two guitar lines that are responding to each other… Playing it feels like you’re having a conversation with yourself… Which makes sense because the song is like a haiku about an existential crisis.

Katie Cruel

This song has haunted me for too long. I love her. I recorded this first over 10 years ago for the album ‘Ribbon Vine‘, in Spain with friends. Likely from Scotland hundreds of years ago, Katie Cruel was probably about a sex worker travelling with light infantry soldiers. I feel like my version is a bit defiant. It’s usually a lament but this version feels scrappy… Like, yes you jerk! I know you’ve changed your tune and call me Katie Cruel but I don’t give a shit you slimy bastard. It’s a vibe. It is still and forever really fun to play.

Ways of Losing

This song is tough. It is a love song for those who are not treated well and do not fit well into our cruel society.

Working with Y La Bamba was a dream come true. They are truly one of the greatest singers alive and I feel honored to call them a friend. It’s hard to sing about losing a loved one and it hurts a bit less doing it with someone so kind and thoughtful.


This song is part silly, part sad… I guess a lot of them are. Another song about awkward love, dissonance… I struggle to connect or believe in love.

It turns into a psych jam sometimes live. I hope someone makes an interpretive dance piece to this song someday. There’s a lot of imagery.


This song is about losing my Dad… But really also about how shitty we are as a society at dealing with grief.

It was really great working with Tom Deis on this guy. He sings on it and lent all sorts of great elements. Its one of those songs where it’s very hard to play because it’s quite emotional.”

Is Anything Wrong

This is one of my favourite Lhasa De Sela songs. She was my hero. It is so simple and true. 

“Is anything wrong? Is anything right? And how will we know? Will time make us wise?

Feels prudent right now for some reason.”

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