a/s/l: ENOLA 

Remember the days of the old schoolyard? Remember when Myspace was a thing? Remember those time-wasting, laborious quizzes that everyone used to love so much? Birthday Cake For Breakfast is bringing them back! 

Every couple of weeks, an unsuspecting band will be subject to the same old questions about dead bodies, Hitler, crying and crushes.  

This Week: Off the back of releasing their debut EP ‘All Is Forgiven’ (via ONELOVE / Hell Beach), Aussie non-binary artist Ruby Marshall a.k.a. ENOLA answers a series of inane questions!

Have you ever seen a dead body?

Who is your favourite Simpsons character?
Maybe Lisa or Marge.

What T-Shirt are you wearing?
I’m not, it’s hot af so I’m wearing a singlet atm.

What did your last text message say?
It was my manager asking me to fill out these questions.

What’s the last song you listened to?
James Blake – Retrograde

How did you meet the people in your band?
Through friends for the most part.

What’s the first record you bought?
No Doubt – Tragic Kingdom

What was your favourite VHS growing up?
Girl Interrupted

When was the last time you cried?
When I got my heart broken.

Have you ever kissed someone & regretted it?
Not really, I haven’t regretted it but have thought that may not have been the most skilful action.

Best Physical Feature?
You tell me.

Worst physical feature?
It’s all an illusion.

Reasonably ok/not bad feature that you’re not fussed about?
I feel neutral about it all.

Do you have any pets?
Not at the moment.

Ever picked up any injuries on tour?
Oh 100% I get whiplash every time I perform lol.

What did you do for your last birthday?
I spent it at at the Hot Spring with someone I loved & I had a house party.

Name something you CANNOT wait for?
Freeing my mind.

Do you have a crush on someone?

What’s the shittest experience you’ve had as a musician?
Hahahaha hard to pick one.

If you could go back in time, how far would you go?
I would go back before humans existed & watch the world come into existence, watch the first flower bloom. I would witness the first rain drops come down.

How do you want to die?
With a calm mind, like described in the ‘The Tibetan book of the dead‘.

What’s your favourite thing about pizza?
All of it! I love pizza.

What are you craving right now?
Inner Peace.

Have you ever been on a horse?
Yes, but not for a while.

What did you dream about last night?
I had a nightmare.

If you could go back in time and kill the baby Hitler, would you?
I wouldn’t kill a child, but I would instil loving kindness and compassion into the child’s mind & change the course of history.

Do you like Chinese food?
Yes, not my favourite but I’m here for it.

Have you ever been on TV?

Ever meet someone famous?
Probably, but nothing stands out.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

All Is Forgiven’ is out NOW via ONELOVE / Hell Beach! Grab yourself a copy of the record here!

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Hey, have you heard about…KINO MOTEL

(Photo Credit: Larry LaJoliet)

Cinematic is definitely a term you could use to describe Ed Fraser’s noise-rock outfit HEADS., though perhaps the style of cinema would be more unnerving and tense, leaning toward horror and the you-don’t-wanna-know sides of life. When we reviewed their latest record ‘Push’ (out via Glitterhouse Records), we suggested that at times it can stir up “a cocktail of feelings – pensive, agitated, excited“.

His new outfit KINO MOTEL is equally cinematic, though more on the wavelength occupied by the likes of Baxter Dury and The Last Shadow Puppets, thanks in part to the striking strings and hypnotic rumble that permeates the duration of their debut single.

Unlike the often gritted teeth delivery in his other outfit, KINO MOTEL (dubbed by the band as “grit pop“) sees Fraser working with Rosa Mercedes, the vocals of both intertwining for entrancing results. The duo definitely call to mind the work of Dury and his glamorous sounding instrumentals, broken up by an almost spoken word vocal delivery that covers up a grittiness and a sense that not all is well.

Sure enough, debut single ‘Waves‘ – written together over the course of one week in a cheap Bangkok hotel – was inspired by an alleged intense experience they had whilst in Thailand last year, one which the song suggests left them feeling trapped and needing to find a way out.

The video (directed by both Fraser and Mercedes) captures the vibe perfectly – A mini-movie, just shy of 4 minutes, taking in the sights of Bangkok and balancing a fine line between masterpiece cinema and shlocky fighting films (both just as appealing as the other). Take yourself to their socials and you can even find promotional mock-ups that add even more aesthetic pleasure.

I would have wanted to hear more from this new pairing regardless, but now we’ve been introduced to ‘The Boss‘ and ‘Cici‘, i’ll be eagerly anticipating the next instalment! ‘Waves‘ is the first of five parts, so keep your eyes peeled for what’s to come!

Like what you see? Why not stick around and check out the other articles and interviews!
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