‘Eggsistentialism’ – Listen to the twelfth episode of ’60 Minutes or less’, the new podcast from Birthday Cake For Breakfast – featuring Holly Ross of The Lovely Eggs!

Another episode of ’60 Minutes or less’ is in the bag! The new-ish podcast from Birthday Cake For Breakfast returns for episode 12 and with it, we turn to music hot-spot Lancaster for our egg-cellent guest, Holly Ross of The Lovely Eggs! Forgive me the pun, as you’ll soon hear, Holly is not fond of them!

Along with husband David Blackwell, Ross makes up the other half of The Lovely Eggs – a two-headed rock and roll monster that’s been ripping it for fifteen plus years, with a handful of records under their collective belts and collaborations over the years with Pigsx7 and living leg-end Iggy Pop.  

Their new album ‘Eggsistentialism’ is out now via their very own Egg Records – a stormer to add to their varied collection, with a number of its singles even bothering the Official UK Charts top 10 in vinyl sales!  

A flying visit for this episode as they were deep into the final promotional push, the interview schedule coinciding with their sending of a mammoth amount of records out to their loyal fanbase of egg-heads by hand. We were happy to catch Holly for half an hour over Zoom the week they released the album, to talk about Ivor Cutler, egg-based puns, DIY, soul-searching and their efforts to save The Lancaster Music Co-op

If you like what you hear, tell your pals, bring it up to your colleagues at work and don’t forget to share all over the internet!

A handy Spotify player is embedded below, but you can find further ways to listen here

You can also find all the other episodes of ’60 Minutes or less’ right here, featuring interesting chats with Joe Casey (Protomartyr)Paul Hanley (The Fall)Philip Frobos (Omni)Jonathan Higgs (Everything Everything)Peter Brewis (Field Music)Steve Davis OBE (The Utopia Strong)Steven Hodson (USA Nails)Alex Edkins (METZ)HALO MAUD, Jamie Lenman and Matt Korvette (Pissed Jeans)!

Like what you see? Why not stick around and check out the other articles and interviews!
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